I drank some coffee and smoked a cigarette (or two) this morning, and cranked this baby out in about 3 to 4 hours. I had the idea while watching a marathon on the SciFi channel the other day, and this is what happened.
Lol, yah. I would like it if like, my kitty Charles would come back as a ghost, but like, mostly leave me alone? So like, she'd be around, but not like, OMG! I'M A CAT AND A GHOST AND I'MMA COME ANNOY YOUUU. That would freak me out.
Are you on AIM? I'mma grab something snackable and come talk to you. :D
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I love the ghost!kitty. I would love to have my own ghost!kitty, even though it would be kinda creepy for a little while, lol.
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Are you on AIM? I'mma grab something snackable and come talk to you. :D
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