Jul 12, 2010 11:13
Yesterday I quit my job, I was sick of feeling like I was still trying to fit into a high school clique again and I'm so happy it's over. Time to move on. An older woman came in and ordered from me yesterday, she was really nice but was struggling to carry all the stuff she bought so I helped her carry all of it into the theater; along the way she stopped by my managers desk and started crying. She mentioned that she was crippled and appreciated so much that I offered, without her asking, to help her carry everything because she had forgotten her cane. It's nice when people notice the small things you do for them and have such a strong reaction to them, needless to say it made me feel really, really good and made me all the more excited for my chosen career path. I've been thinking a lot about the world lately, and how disappointing it is that people have so much potential to help each other and many people do just the opposite. I want to change the world and be a good person, I want to stop getting caught up in other people's drama and focus on the good I do that people recognize, and not the fact that a lot of what I, and many others, do goes unnoticed by the people of the world. I dont want to resent the people I help, that more times than not, fail to return the kindness. I want to remind myself that even though much good goes unnoticed and we may not always be able to feel that instant gratification I got when that lady at the theater started crying due to my small help, that it's still worth it in the end. Good things come to good people.