Since running out of steam in my writing I've been working on a few mini top hats. And part of Kate's Christmas but thats a secret for now :p I've been rather creative all day in fact.
Question - How much would you pay for something like that? I'm unsure of how to price. Part of me wants to start low since its not like a have a bunch of loyal customers, but at the same time I'd like to make a decent profit. I'm looking at perhaps a bit of bling to be added to them as well. Bit of glitter or some rhinestones. Might try something with my aunt's Swarovskis :) They're felt hats with a crocodile clip on each side so no need for kirby's etc.
I was meant to get up early and go into the careers Scotland place but I slept til after 11 and its been raining all day. I've kinda been putting it off [I'm not entirely sure why mind you] but I really need to get myself sorted if I intend to go to uni next year. It's looking less and less likely because I don't want to have to move away from the central belt, but I'm not finding any courses at Glasgow or Paisley. Traveling to Ayr might not be so bad but I am so fed up of looking online. Hopefully when I get my ass in gear, they'll be able to tell me exactly what I can study with my current qualifications and if I'll need to pay if I decide to go back to college.
I'm putting it down to fear. I'm a big huge scardy-cat and I hate it. :(
In other news I have Never Gonne Give You Up stuck in my head. I always find the whole Rick-roll thing really weird....I quite enjoy that song! XD
Criminal Minds need to hurry its ass up and download. I wanna watch it while I eat my tea.