I felt like I'd had a night of heavy drinking last night. I had four drinks and only one of those was a double. Srsly wtf body? I felt so sick. I could blame the food I bought I guess but I wasn't physically sick so I don't know. Then again I do have a stomach of steel and I rarely barf.
My Captain America costume is coming along swimmingly. After looking on ebay I just decided to go with the leather jacket from Primark. I also got some men's combats [Steve McGarrett, eat your heart out] and they were only £12. After coming home I did find a cropped leather jacket that is closer to the colour of the movie one so I'm watching it and if it turns out cheaper than the one I bought I may just get that and return the Primark one. Its got a bid already so we'll see how desperately the other person wants it :p
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I feel like I'm getting quicker and quicker in my vids so if you cannot understand me I apologise and tell me to slow it down :p
Day 01- The best movie you saw during the last year.
Day 02 - The most underrated movie
Day 03 - A movie that makes you really happy
Day 04 - A movie that makes you sad.
Day 05 - Favorite love story in a movie.
Day 06 - Favourite period movie.
Day 07 - The most surprising plot twist or ending.
Day 08 - A movie that you’ve seen countless times.
Day 09 - A movie with the best soundtrack.
Day 10 - Favorite classic movie.
Day 11 - Favorite movie based on a book.
Day 12 - A movie that you hate.
Day 13 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure.
Day 14 - A movie that no one would expect you to love.
Day 15 - A character who you can relate to the most.
Day 16 - A movie that you used to love but now hate.
Day 17 - A movie that disappointed you the most.
Day 18 - A movie that you wish more people would’ve seen.
Day 19 - Favorite movie based on a comic.
Day 20 - Favorite movie from your favorite actor.
Day 21 - Favorite action movie.
Day 22 - Favorite documentary.
Day 23 - Favorite animation.
Day 24 - Favorite foreign movie.
Day 25 - The most hilarious movie you’ve ever seen.
Day 26 - A movie that you love but everyone else hates.
Day 27 - A movie that you wish you had seen in theaters
Day 28 - Favorite movie from your favorite director
Day 29 - A movie from your childhood
Day 30 - Your favorite movie of all time.
I'm off baby sitting tonight. My little cousin Laura. Its not really baby sitting, its more like just hanging out because despite her age, she is hilarious :D I'll probably take my laptop down though just for when she's gone to bed. Though after my shit sleep I'll probably be wanting to go to bed before her!