EEEK PROMO FOR SEASON SEVEN WHAAAAAATTT!! There is nothing too epiclly spoilery in this video. Just a couple of shots of new footage that only sort of adds to the season finale. Plus a couple of pretty ones of Dean XD You know how I like to avoid spoilers of any kind :p
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Okay questionable spelling of Cas aside OMGWTFBBQ?! Crowley! Melting vessel Castiel! Someone has Sam in chains! Death! Thinking about Supernatural has really been killing me recently, but I'm getting quite excited for the new season. If Misha really had told the producers and writers that they can't just destroy Cas then hopefully the first ep will not contain him dying on us. Or any episodes for that matter D: I NEED TEAM FREE WILL BACK STAT! Well there is a lot of shit and people I need back in that show, but please don't kill Cas when he's all demented :( The damaged look to Jimmy is scaring me as well. What if they fix Cas but give him a new vessel?!
I need Misha as Castiel in my life like air! I NEEDS A BUCKET FOR ME CREYS.