Why yes I do talk crap...

Aug 12, 2011 23:05

 I was going to start the 30 Day Supernatural meme when I realised I didn't have answers for most of them. Not that I don't know what to write, its just that I couldn't narrow most of them down. I'll need to work on some of them before I get anywhere near posting. I feel like I wouldn't do it justice or something silly like that :p

I did a lot of house work today as I didn't realise that my parents were due home tonight until last night. Anna finished the floors cus I had to head down to Casa de Edwards for Ben's birthday dinner. Lynn made some Indian meatballs with saffron rice. It was delicious :D I didn't get any cake though :( Partly cus Bobsey and I got forgotten I think :p and we left early cus he has to open in the morning in work. So now I'm home alone, waiting for my parents to get back and craving something sweet.


hawaii five-0, jared padalecki is too precious, hawt men, photos, tv, jensen why so pretteh?, much love

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