I've got a bad feeling about this...

May 02, 2011 11:09

 So Osama Bin Laden is dead. I had one of those weird sinking feelings like when they hung Sadam Hussain. I'm still am pretty happy he is dead mind you. I feel like he's just a figure head now, which could cause 'revenge' attacks. The partying in the streets in NY and DC etc is kinda getting to me. The attacks on the World Trade Centre were one of the most horrible, terrifying and sad things I have ever seen in my life. And shortly afterwards we saw places in the Middle East with people dancing in the street and we all hated it and were disgusted. I know Bin Laden was basically pure evil and that he was responsible in for the murder of thousands, but its almost like we're doing what the same as the nutjobs who took pleasure in seeing the death and destruction. *sighs* I duno, I'm torn. I  like to think the people who actually lost someone in that attack would not be out in the streets getting drunk and dancing.

I don't know if the terror threat in the UK has been severe but thats what it is now according to the news. Yeah, that bad feeling....:| I also just love that yahoo has like two or three articles relating to this important news story, yet when the royal pish was happening, we couldn't move for stuff! WTF?!

I enjoyed one reporter guy explaining the mission. Navy SEALs under the command of the CIA because the military can't operate in Pakistan. I think that's cheating tbh :p The little graphics and stuff on the map were cool. He also said the American special forces had to destroy their own helicopter to stop it falling into enemy hands. The anchor guy was like whit?! And the reporter said "Well the people in the compound couldn't have gotten a hold of it...." Anchor replies "So do they mean the Pakistanis?" Reporter: "...Yes..." I was like oh you guys! Lets just get it on air that the US hate Pakistan as well then XD Gotta say, LOL hiding in plain sight! Terrorist compound like right next door to a Pakistani military base.

Mr Obama's speech made me tear up. That man knows how to talk :p Don't care if someone else has written it, DAYUM! XD


current events, eek!

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