Jul 08, 2010 15:16
I hate Cristiano Ronaldo even more now. All this shit thats been floating about saying about this baby he has, has been annoying me anyway. However more so now as I just read that he has called the baby...Cristiano...And to top it all off...he has ditched his new born son with his sister while he goes on holiday with his girlfriend who isn't even the mother of his child!
What a royal CUNT!
Why is no one saying that he is clearly using this baby as an accessory? He's even going on about how he wants to extend his clothing range to baby clothes! When someone like Madonna or Angelina Jolie adopts a baby from a poor country and gives them a life they would never have ie living past the age of 5 or something, they get a ton of shit, but this plonker makes another baby and is basically making a mini me he doesn't care that much about n everyone n their grannie is lapping it up!!! HIS SON IS LIKE TWO WEEKS OLD! WHY IS HE NOT AT HOME GIVING HIM THE CARE AND LOVE HE DESERVES INSTEAD OF SWANNING AROUND FUCK KNOWS WHERE WITH HIS GF?!
Ronaldo, you need to get your fugliness away from me and go be a dad...or y'know go die in a fire and then the poor baby won't have to live with a father who doesn't love him as much as sunbathing...