I watched the vid referred to in my subject line for the millionth time the other night then went on yahoo n read that story about the coupla getting their yacht commandeered luv [Its a nautical term..]....Made it all so much funnier! :p
Okay, the fact that Twilight is being re-released in cinemas is not as bad as it seems. Its seems to only be some cinemas that are having midnight showings of New Moon and its so the fantwats can jizz in their pants even more cus they can watch them back to back...:| Its disgusting...I can't wait to go to a showing with one of my anti tshirts on! LAWL!
I hate the names of the fucking books though...Its all night related and stuff when the abominations smeyer created can go out in the fucking DAY TIME! Also NEW MOON? even if the werewolves were fucking affected by the moon there is NO MOON when the new moon is about! GYAAAAAAHH!! YOU RUINED WORDS FOR ME STEPHENIE MEYERS! WOOOOOOOORDS!!! I HATE YOU MEYER! I hope someone burns your house down with all your millions in it! DX
Anyway, I finally finished Avatar. Like the whole last book the whole way thru. I cried like a baby at the end. The whole last few eps were superbly emo n I was a weirdo n pure sniffled at most of it! Iroh and Zuko being reunited was the worst...I fucking love Iroh!! And Sokka! And Toph! Kate and I have been seriously contemplating element tattoos. I want a Water Tribe one and she's thinking about an Air Nomad one :DDD
This here is the water one. I'm thinking of getting it like just above my wrist so its not right on the tendons n veins. And maybe more with just a blu-ish glow around the dark outline rather than filled in :D
And in other omfuckinggawdridiculouslyexcited news...TEKKEN 6 SPECIAL EDITION WAS POSTED TODAY! I am so looking forward to getting it. But with these bloody postal strikes who the fuck knows when it'll get here!
Anyway...Look what I'ma getting for 60 quid! Gaze upon its immense beauty!
Serious SQUEEEE material. Awesome hoodie will be awesome! :D
Work at 9am tomorrow, I best attempt some sleepage sometime soon...