(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 11:19

b0o0o h0o0o0o0O! :'( !

Yesterday was the worst day EvEr! i honestly couldnt even come on here and write about it because i was so upset! I had to leave katia at her dads house n come home, n now shes on her way back up to ithaca :( !! I swear ive never been so close with anyone in my life, she is such an awesome person and we have so0o much fun together!!! We cried when we left eachother, i miss her so much still..! its so weird how we can both feel this way, it really shows how much closer we are w/ eachother than w/ anyone else!! its very rare if i ever cry when im leaving another one of my friends for a little while...even donnie! Katia knows me so well and i know her in that same way, we just have something that no one else has <3 i wuv u like my sista kot!

>> LyKe SisTa$ onLy TiGh+tErR <<

~>"a Li-L SeXuAL fRuStrAtIoNn".."JiLLyBaNeS&KaahTiyuHh(say w southern accent)".."i ALWAYS get head first, thats the rule".."i heart easy-mac".."it smells like pOo!".."Dont be mean!".."You fart in your sleep!".."SaMaanThuh I LiiiKe iaT (say w southern accent), its AaRoN!".."Im so sexy (*coughs disgustingly)".."Ooh, this is comfy..shit!I popped the chip bag!".."You HOOCHIE MAMA".."I like the way the word Whore smells".."I live on Bittersweet Lane, its caused me so much pain..when ever i hear your name, it cant be the same..here on bittersweet LaAAane!".."Fishs Eddy!".."dDr!".."Halllo poppet!".."im scared..THERES MeXiCaNs LIVING IN THE WOODS!"..Your CrAzZy hair..Headbanging in the car..<~ &s0o0o0o much m0ore!!!!

kati ..i loved this so i stole it <3

whether it was our moms bumping bellies together when they were both pregnant with us, bathtime shit hen we were 2, kitty litter sand castles at 4, gum everywhere at 6, spending almost every day of our lives together til we were 7, string cheese penises at 9, aladdin and tree bras at 12, 2gether when we were 15, prom when we were 16, or bittersweet lane at 18, i <3 u !!

i miss ma katchi!!!
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