I tried figuring things out, remember? But obviously, I came to the wrong conclusions.
I might as well give up, then. No one to steer me in the right direction, no one to apologise to anymore... It's all pretty pointless coming to more conclusions if when they turn out to be wrong, you're only worse off than you were before.
Obviously, if I was the one you assumed, you're not very good at the whole detective thing. For once use some common sense and logic and you may find out who the culprit is. Also, the answer to what you're looking for might just be lying under your nose, but don't be so quick to assume things until you have a legitimate reason to do so.
That's EXACTLY the thing that you didn't get the first time, and you still don't get it!
You're always there to help. Right after everyone gets attacked. It's uncanny. It's not natural. And yes, I know you do just that, HELP... but... it's strange that it's always you. Why not someone else...? Just once, why hasn't it ever been anyone else?
You must understand how it could've looked to me. But I'm sorry for jumping to that conclusion, it was obviously wrong of me.
I can see perfectly well that all evidence would point to me, but what I don't understand is why I would be the first one you assume did it. That's what hurt, Harry; the idea that you would be willing to throw six years of friendship out the door just so you could be right, just so you could easily blame this on someone. That's why I'm so upset here.
And I don't want to hear apologies of any sort. From now on, and I truly hope no one gets hurt again, if I see someone lying there bleeding to death, I'll bypass them and wait until someone else finds them. But if they die because no one else helps them then that guilt will live with me forever.
I tried figuring things out, remember? But obviously, I came to the wrong conclusions.
I might as well give up, then. No one to steer me in the right direction, no one to apologise to anymore... It's all pretty pointless coming to more conclusions if when they turn out to be wrong, you're only worse off than you were before.
Obviously, if I was the one you assumed, you're not very good at the whole detective thing. For once use some common sense and logic and you may find out who the culprit is. Also, the answer to what you're looking for might just be lying under your nose, but don't be so quick to assume things until you have a legitimate reason to do so.
You're always there to help. Right after everyone gets attacked. It's uncanny. It's not natural. And yes, I know you do just that, HELP... but... it's strange that it's always you. Why not someone else...? Just once, why hasn't it ever been anyone else?
You must understand how it could've looked to me. But I'm sorry for jumping to that conclusion, it was obviously wrong of me.
And I don't want to hear apologies of any sort. From now on, and I truly hope no one gets hurt again, if I see someone lying there bleeding to death, I'll bypass them and wait until someone else finds them. But if they die because no one else helps them then that guilt will live with me forever.
I never did. You're wrong about that.
I wanted to be wrong.
Do you still think it's me?
It's a simple yes or no answer and that's all you're allowed to answer with.
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