May 24, 2006 00:32
Okay, so I'm supposed to be in bed...sleeping...right now :P And I am going to go, but before I went I thought I'd put this up, lol. I wrote it a couple of weeks ago..oh hold on, yeah I have the date next to it lol. I won't say enjoy 'cause I'm not sure you will :P
(Title Unknown) - 08/05/06
Let's talk about sex baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about STDs
Let's talk about HIV
There's a reality in what they show on MTV,
They don't show you the guilt and oppression
You see what they want you to see
A distorted reality
They give you low self esteem
Leading to harm and an anorexic dream
Obesity is not the problem
It's the society we live in
So take a look out your window
Tell me what you see
You ain't living in no poverty
Think about the kids that have no shelter to call home
No family to love them
No love to keep them strong
Think about us rich kids
Who have daddy and mommy willing to please
They buy us all these stupid toys
None of which we really need
Society is screwed up
Giving you nothing in return
Except a kid at aged 17
And a fucked up life in return
You say you believe in freedom;
Freedom of speech, freedom of thought - fuck freedom
You don't know the meaning of the word
Prancing past in your short short skirt
Trousers hanging down, leaving nothing to the imagination
A sweet sweet smell of pure adulteration
Those videos you watch claiming it's your PSHE
What a load of crap
You're just learning to tease
You don't have to lose it, just 'cause your friends claim they already have
How old are you? 14?
You don't have to follow the crowd
Rather stand up for your own darn mind
Believe in what you preach so righteously
And give a little to those who suffer so mercilessly
Show them some kindness and in return you shall receive -
You don't need anything, you have love -
What else do you need?
Just stop to think for a minute
And see what I see
A nation in need of a new belief
Something to keep you going -
To keep you strong
What we all need is belief in ourselves -
In humanity, in man-kind
In the streets we live in, where we come from
Where we hang
We need some love to spread around
Don't call me brother, sister, hey friend what's up?
Show me some real love
I need your loyalty
Not your fucking lies and royalty
I have my own cash to keep me going
No more dough is needed to keep me flowing
I follow my own beat and listen to my heart
No fucking government is gonna tear us apart
Preaching for a better education, asking for more tax?
Who gives a damn fuck what they think when they give us shit all
We need to stick together
Fight for what's rightfully ours
Who the hell are they to tell us what's right
Who made them?
They did.
Who are they?
Fucked up individuals -
Just like you and me
But the difference is
They try and mess with our minds
So sit back, relax and enjoy your life
Get an education
Wait for sex 'til it's the right time
There's no need to rush to show someone you care
Make them wait and show the loyalty that should be there
Give something to others
Show them kindness in all that you do
You ain't no fucking asshole
So show us the real you.