Apr 05, 2004 19:59
Well for some odd reason today was an exceptionally* awesome rad smokin great thrilling day. Okay so I lied it wasnt THAT great, but it was great, besides the fact that i saw a UFO hovering over the school sucking up all the little anz kids! ANYWHO..I was excited today that I brought a bananna to school and I was like mmmmmm bananna, THEN in second when I took a lucious bite out of it....TASTED SOUR! And banannas arent suposta taste that way! Grr i was steaming mad. So today at track I go up to our little shed where it has everything in the wolrd listed that we need to know(not really our coaches and team is SO unorganized) and they effin rasied the standards to get a letter!! WTH is up with that! well there sums up ORGASM my exceptionally* awesome rad smokin great thrilling day that acctually wasnt THAT great but was great. Enjoy
-laughing at myself cuz i think im sooooooooooo funny..not
<3 Kay(to the)lee
now maybe JUST maybe someone will comment...