Jan 10, 2005 21:34
remainsunseen180: kasdjfklasdf
remainsunseen180: next week is going to SUCK
remainsunseen180: SO bad
DaysGoBy16: why
remainsunseen180: because of all the finals
remainsunseen180: im going to just go insane
DaysGoBy16: yeah im going to breakdown i can feel it
remainsunseen180: haha
remainsunseen180: me too
remainsunseen180: and itll be like in the middle of a test
remainsunseen180: im just going to cave
DaysGoBy16: we should all bribe fittz
remainsunseen180: we should
DaysGoBy16: we can build him a cake or something
remainsunseen180: build him a cake?
remainsunseen180: baahahaha
remainsunseen180: you mean MAKE him a cake
DaysGoBy16: yeah i know...i was quoting napoleon dynamite gosh what do you think
remainsunseen180: FRIGGIN IDIOT
DaysGoBy16: i like your sleeves...there real big
DaysGoBy16: your mom goes to college
remainsunseen180: ahahahahaha
DaysGoBy16: hahahahahaha i love that movie so much
remainsunseen180: I think you ripped off my mole!
DaysGoBy16: is it bleeding? a little bit
DaysGoBy16: do the chickens have large talons
DaysGoBy16: a liger...its a mix between a lion and a tiger...its pretty much my favorite animal
remainsunseen180: bahahahahahaha
remainsunseen180: oh god
remainsunseen180: i love that movie
remainsunseen180: i see your drinking 1% is that becuase you think your fat?
DaysGoBy16: because your not, you could be drinking whole if you wanted to
remainsunseen180: ahahahaaaaaaaaaa
remainsunseen180: best movie ever