Ok so some big choices to make next year . .

Dec 31, 2011 21:57

Those that know me know me pretty well by now. They know that I like to take a situation and then tear it apart, pour over it, put it back together, roominate, deliberate, cogitate and then digest it.

Sometimes it's easy to make a choice, like what do I want for lunch today, what music do I want to listen to etc.

However I'm actually faced possibly with a choice which might actually turn my life upside down and on it's head, over my arse and then through a window. Those that are close to me know I generally bounce back from anything (hell I came out the otherside of depression last year)

Anyway why am I waxing lyrical ? Well as you know 08/11/2010 I started working for Consumer Direct, a Consumer Advisory service which is funded by the Office Of Fair Trading which makes consumer law and advice acessible to all (even traders annoyingly)

I can't remember if I've blogged this before but basically after March 2012 we won't have a contract with the OFT as the Citizens Advice Bureau (boo hiss!) have been awarded the consumer advice funding and they have taken on the company that didn't want to take the company I work for on.

As the company I work for is essentially a privatley owned and government funded without the government funding, we are quite litteraly up shit creak with out a paddle :(

Anyway the new company that has taken over will for a month sign me over to their company under TUPE legislation, and as I've worked for my company for less than 2 years I won't get any statutory redundancy. However what that does mean is that if there is any jpobs in the new company then I could transfer over and do my current job for them. Thats sounding good isn't it ?

The annoying this is that if there are jobs going the closest ones to me are in the next county over in Somerset and I live in Cornwall. Now at least 2 of my work mates are considering transferring over to the new company, and I'm considering it myself too. and they have said we should look for a place to share together.

As work colleagues and friends outside of work we get on really well, but I'm not so sure about mixing all that up and then living with them aswell. Thats my first reservation.

My second, family issues. Both sets of grand parents still living, one set in reasonable health and the other not so much, failing badly, I'm not even sure they will make the next 3 months they are that bad.

The third reservation is if it doesn't work out with the new company and currently (still and at 30!) livings with ones parents would they and they be very right to not let me come back. I already moved out once before and made a pigs ear of it (not all my fault) and I moved back in.

This is probably the most silliest reason ever, BUT its a reeason none the less, but as most will know I'm a soft touch where my little siamese cat is concerned. She's now 13 and a half and has a heart murmour, she'd probably not even notice if I wasn't here but I sadly won't be able to take her with me, that little cat has been a great little friend to me in the last 10 years and I will miss her dearly.

This may all be accademic and there may not be any jobs for us anyway, which brings me on to my other idea. I've been playing with this idea for years.

I know lots of people, I know lots about computers, they would love for me to start a busioness so they can recommend me to their friends, so I'd essentiually become a mobile PC technician, the thing with that is I can always gurantee that I'd get enough work to sustain me, so I may need to get a part time job filling shelves or something to keep the money coming in to pay the bills.

I know it's something that I'd be very good out,a nd one things for sure working where I do now I know what to do and have a rough idea on how to run a business and what NOT to do.

Still alot to think about, and really when you think about it just over 2 months not alot of time either.

Anyway watch this space.
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