looking for someone to help~

Aug 21, 2012 15:07

Do you have photoshop and some free time? Would you like to see scans being uploaded faster? Maybe you’d like to do some dust removing for me then?

  • ✿ photoshop and at least a rudimentary knowledge of how to use it
  • ✿ ability to download from and upload to mediafire (could upload to a different server if necessary)
  • ✿ don’t be a flake but also don’t be too worried about finishing things quickly unless that’s what you want
  • ✿ tumblr or livejournal account so we can communicate
What you won’t be doing (and what I don’t want you to do):

  • ✿ photoshopping pages together
  • ✿ photoshopping away creases in the paper or anything large if you don’t think that you can make it look perfect. if your finished product looks weird, I may reject it.
  • ✿ levels or color adjustments
  • ✿ straightening or otherwise adjusting alignment or size
If you’ve read all of this and think you might be interested, you can download this file to give dust removing a try. (9*^*)9

  • ✿ use the clone stamp tool! its keyboard shortcut is ‘s’
  • ✿ make your brush fluffy. you can adjust the level of brush hardness with ‘shift+[’ or ‘shift+]’ (more fluffy is ’shift+[‘)
  • ✿ unless you’re cloning in large areas of black, use a small brush with the cloning tool. using a large brush has the tendency to leave things looking too plastic-y
  • ✿ work at 50% (zoom), because with anything bigger you might get distracted and start photoshopping out things that aren’t dust (speaking from experience DX) try not to photoshop out people’s moles OTL
  • ✿ I usually dust check while watching dramas! it’s not something that requires a lot of attention, just a lot of time OTL
  • ✿ learn what dust needs to be removed and what doesn’t. some paper is just really fiber-y and in those cases you should just concentrate on removing the bigger spots and dust/fibers on faces.
  • ✿ I hope someone actually wants to help or I'll feel really stupid making such a detailed post OTL

this is awkward

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