Dec 20, 2004 13:47
helloo ppl im in 7th peri0d right n0w we had a 2-hour delay f0r the weather haha t0o funny cuz we were like the only sch0ol in the wh0le like c0unty/state/city -- l0l i was s0o happy i didnt wake up til 9:15!! l0l =] =] haha well this past weekend was the W0RST weekend ever! s0o freakin b0ringg well it was fun just w0uldve rather d0ne 0ther stuff l0l well saturday every1 went to the judge formal and me and jill were stuck sitting there by ourselves n01 went 0ut! =[ l0l s0o me and jill went "somewhere" l0l jill it was funny th0o <-- g0od timess // then yesterday i went 0ut with jamiee t0o the sks bball gamess.. awl i miss g0ing t0 themm last year was s0o funn the "chris's game" haha t0o funny well after the b0ys games me jamie and my sister went t0o dd .. "our near death experience" by getting hit by a car .. i was like flipping out i was likee 0mg i d0nt even kno haha and i was like shaking when i was walking back bcuz like the week b4 that i witnessed a getting hit by a car.. =[ well that was about it and i camme home around 7:45 .. and went online g0t a sh0wer all that stuff well im g0nna g0o pcc x00x <3
x00x lauren ..