(no subject)

Aug 01, 2012 01:36

Dear diary,

Today my greatest friend Yuntian dragged my saggy ass to the gym. I ran for half an hour. Every minute was a struggle. Thirty seconds into the run and I was thinking of all the excuses I could possibly have for stopping the run. "um, my period hurts" "um, my old injuries are acting up" "um, my mother calling me" " um, my koi are giving birth". As you can see, diary, these reasons are all mega lame so I didn't use them. Punished myself for having these impure thoughts by running for another 29 mins 30 seconds. Went to the ladies corner after where Yt continued doing weights and lifts and other disciplined muscular exercises while I lay languorously on the yoga mats. Note to self: carpet future home with yoga mats.

Ran exchange errands after. Visited the Swedish embassy, STA, signed up for cards... and really that's all we did. Simultaneously caught up with each other <3 Sadly, we did not take any pictures to commemorate this momentous occasion :(

Had dinner with Daryl and by the mighty hand of God Kel ended work at 6pm. I know. I didnt believe it either. But too bad. I already had plans. Met him later at night and sat at macs.

Heres a pic to commemorate this momentous occasion. 

Went home.

Am home.

That is all.

Oh yeah this is quite funny so I thought I'd share it with whoever reads this space

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