Mar 09, 2005 15:09
stuff happened today ..awesome huh um..dont feel like typing but at lunch claire like killed her foot n rolled around lmao it was funny um on the bus lmfao brooke found a dog treat thing and mike was gnna eat it and then magi broke it in half lmao and we r gnna give them a dollar 2morrow lmao it was funny so magi ate some of the treat which was nasty n mike ate the half n his face was so funny lmao n he had 2 grapes oh god that was funny/disgusting. lmao
thats all.
fuck all of you who think you are the shit and you really aren't and those who say your friends but just talk shit bout the person your friends with oh and um.. before you backstab people..make sure the person won't tell that person or better yet don't backstab the person at all.. oh and thanks for blaming me for other peoples me and they are they i didn't do shit to make them do anything to them you obviously had to do something sooo stop fucking blaming me for other peoples actions. and stop fucking involving people who have nothing to do with anything its your battle not anybody elses. GOD.