Jul 31, 2004 20:22
this is my whole vaction yes this is going to be a long post but worth reading it think i dunno whatever........
ok friday i posted pretty much my whole day so i don't need to talk about that much. so we got on the road at 3am we took my dads new pickup truck it's really nice and all four doors and everything but i can't stand to sit up straight i have to recline when on long car trips, so i wasn't a happy pasanger and cranky because i wanted to sleep. around 8 am or so we did our first stop and my mom as like here we can switch so i got the front seat reclined passed out till 10:30 or so for the second stop in mass at our regular breakfast place. ate came back to the car and i wanted to watch a DVD so i was going to get the lab top and i open the bag and there was my camera that i "didn't" hah know about. they also got a bigger memory card a 256meg or something i can hold up to 200 some odd pictures which is awsome. we finally got there around 11ish but we can't get into our place till 12 because the cottege has to be cleaned. so we just hung out, got in the cabin unpacked went to the beach it was beautiful day. went out to dinner with chelsea's family and mine we went to shaws it's a relly cool place the movie message in a bottle was shot there it was neat know i'm eatting where a movie was made. ok i'm cutting the rest of the week a little bit short, a few days sucked so my mom and chelsea's mom chels and i went shopping in freeport we split up; and chels and i saw some amazingly good looking maine boys. they are so nice up there why can't we have nice guys in syracuse??. the rest of the week was spent on the beach i got burned on my chest and my face like my cheeks and nose but not as bad as my cheast . later on the second week my shoulders got a little crispy i'm going to have skin cancer. but all is well, it turned into a purdy tan i'm not a pasty white girl anymore!!!!! hahahaha. so yeah second week came around pete was on his way up. he got up fine and all then told us the news my dog star ran away and she has never done this before she's 14 years old; i was in a state of panic we had everyone looking for her back home she was at a vet in dewitt thank god so she came home with bill and he looked after her. see we usally send her to this place where they take care of her but my dad was like no she'll be fine with boys. yeah so i was kinda blaming it on him for a little bit but i'm over it. yeah back to maine the weather was not all that great but we had some fun times chels and i; went in to town alot book store and the bead shop where we made really cool braclets the other days were beach days where we played volly ball in the lake and rode the jet ski, kyaked, o yes can't forget the badmitten in the lake as well mrs foran and i played against each other i was a very agressive player ever time i served she's said here gose miss winbleton i served like i was playing tennis it was alot of fun. every good beach day we had appitizers on the beach everyone brought a dish and there where drinks and everything. we went for lobster like 5 times the last night everyone went together which is a tradition, then penny candy where i got $3.50 of gummies all kinds of gummies :) then round top for ice cream. the week was very awsome we came home packed then passed out. we got up at 6 packed the car cleaned then left by 8, we all said our good byes till next year. (because we go with the same group each year). i'm know i'm forgettting stuff i probably will make another post about maine tommorow. all and all maine was amazing.