Jan 14, 2008 21:49
New Years resolutions mean nothing more than the daily ones I pose to myself, but you can't help but think about them. But looking at this year vs this time last year, things are really eerily similar. Everything comes full circle. The one change is Carl. He has become a big part of my life, a solid and permanent part of it, for the time being. I realize that day by day I get closer to really being ready to leave Fremont. Its a scary step to take, but I'm moving to Boston in about a year and a half to attend a private school. Everything here seems routine to me now. Like I'm just doing nothing but preparing to really leave this place. I'm going to end up being that girl that everyone wonders what the hell happened to, and that's perfectly okay with me. I'm sick of everything here. I have some really good friends here, but a lot of really good ones out of state too, it's become so scattered as the pieces of my life have been dragged across the country. My life here is coming together and coming to an end both. My Ohlone grades kicked major ass, I was really proud of myself, I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me unconditionally willing to move across the country with me, my interests are being explored, I've started volunteering a lot again, my job pays probably twice what yours does because I'm getting another raise, and colleges are interested in me. Of course there are (very few) things I miss about high school, and aspects of my life that are continually frustrating, but I'm actually feeling extremely positive about life right now.
Hello 2008, may you change me for the better.