Venting...because that's what LJ is for. I had the absolute worst doctor's visit last night and practically left the place in tears. Managed to hold it together throughout the train ride home, grocery shopping and then as I was cooking just lost it. I'm not sure if I should call this office and complain, but I'm tempted.
So for the past year and a half I've had this problem with my tonsils and apparently the only thing that can make it stop completely - is to get a tonsillectomy. Which is apparently beyond painful for adults (whereas children bounce right back). My problem isn't a painful one, but my tonsils get goopy and it gives me the worst taste in my mouth. It's more frustrating/uncomfortable than painful but since there's no infection, it's really an elective surgery. Basically I'm not sure if I should do it or not.
Anyway my regular doctor referred me to an ENT about a year ago & I was planning just to do it when I got laid off & lost my insurance. This specialist doctor at the time was really short with me but she was also majorly pregnant and preparing for maternity leave. When I got this new insurance, I should have followed my instinct and just asked for a new referral to a different ENT because this lady is a major bitch! I mean excuse me for being concerned about something that's been recurring for well over a year now. First she's like 'why do you want them taken out if they don't hurt?' I said I hate this taste in my mouth. So she puffs medicine up my nose to numb it so she can stick the light up & down my throat. She says something like 'here it comes' but it still startled me and I sniffed out, so it went everywhere - more all over me than her. But I could tell she was annoyed.
So there's no infection, but it's up to me if I want them taken out. I asked if they could get worse. She didn't know. I asked if it was tonsillitis. She said no, just a low grade but chronic infection. I didn't even ask since she said she originally said she didn't see any infection. So I don't know WTF that meant. Aren't doctor's supposed to say what's wrong with you and tell you how to treat it? Then we discussed the surgery and she said I'd definitely go fully under anesthetic and something like it'd last a day and a half. So I said 'I have to spend the night?' She rolls her eyes and says 'I already said it was an outpatient procedure.' But I hadn't even asked that yet, you asshole.
One useful piece of information, it seems like the problem centers around acid reflux. I'm seeing a gastroenterologist next week anyway, so hopefully if I take care of that my throat will be back to normal. Either way if I do go for the tonsillectomy I won't go back to that damned bitch woman for it. I'll have my doctor recommend someone else. Dr. Teng can go kiss my lily white ass for all I care.
Rant over. I'm ready for Christmas!