I'm watching poll results via the
BBC News website. I don't really know why. Just cuz. Actually, ten minutes ago I was downtown bouncing back and forth between the Democratic and Republican Headquarters. My dad's pretty hardcore Republican and my stepmom's Democrat and it's a small town so everyone knows everyone anyway. Actually, it's such a small town/rural area there's really not much difference between the parties....at least not on the local level.
I was trying really hard not to be discouraged that McCain was leading in all the districts around here...because this is a really conservative (and still fairly racist) area. So it was nice to come back and find out Obama's doing well. Not that he's won it yet....but it's a lot better than hearing "McCain 330 Obama 170; McCain 270 Obama 80". It'd be interesting to be in Bloomington right now. I won't say "Muncie" because, outside of campus, Muncie's pretty conservative/Republican as well.
I'm pissed that it looks like Mitch Daniels (governor of Indiana) is going to be re-elected. Not that I really like the other candidates, but Daniels hasn't worked. It just sucks because everyone's bitched about him...but they're still voting for him. People around here are so afraid of change they'll stick with a poor leader just because they recognize him.