all we are is nothing at all

Oct 27, 2008 16:23

+ My sleep's been so disjointed the past few days I'm not even sure if I'm technically sleep deprived or not. Though I have a feeling only getting 2 or 3 hours of sleep every twelve to twenty hours probably isn't a good thing. Oh well. My brain hasn't completely shut down yet (just mostly).

+ My mom was up this weekend. I feel like I barely got the chance to see her. I worked Friday night...and I was napping when they went to Ball State game (which, BTW, still undefeated...GO CARDS!!) and by the time they got back from that it was like 5 and then we went to a movie and then we ate dinner and went to bed. Sunday we had lunch and then she left. It just felt very "Hi Mom/Bye Mom" *sigh* Oh well. I plan on going home the 4th & I'll see her then.

+ I really need to get my ass in gear and start throwing my resume at people so I can quit f-ing Walmart* Problem is, hand-in-hand with my insomnia cycle is what I like to call my Social-Phobic/No Self-Esteem cycle. It's hard enough convincing myself to leave the apartment to get food...let alone try to be confident enough to convince someone to hire me. The jobs are never open when I'm actually feeling confident and kick ass. Which, admittedly, doesn't happen all that often.

+ I WANT PSYCH AND TORCHWOOD BACK!!! Seriously. Though last week's Supernatural was pretty kickass (I really love those writers), I really miss my other shows too. Maybe I just miss new material to slash. And I just can't bring myself to Wincest. I mean it's cool for people who do enjoy it...I just...don't. I need my Shassie and my Janto.

+ I haven't bathed yet today. Which isn't as bad as it sounds considering I didn't bathe until 7 p.m. yesterday...and it's just now 4:30. So it's not like it's even been 24 hours yet. But still...I should probably bathe at some point. I should probably just stop being lazy in general at some point.

ETA: I just had to apply for another reduced payment forbearance on my student loans. This whole grownup thing sucks.

geminiacle bipolarness...mess, slash, (fandom) torchwood, (fandom) supernatural, (fandom) psych, (rl) grownup life, (rl) family, insomnia, money, (rl) ball u

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