Life's funny

Jul 02, 2008 15:57

So ever since James moved into this apartment...we've wondered why it smells strongly of cat whenever the A/C kicks on. The previous tenant had a cat, so we kind of just attributed it to that. I've been staying in his apartment while he's off teaching kiddies at Band Camp and I think I solved the mystery this morning.

GUY #1: Ah, damn. Raccoons.

[incoherent mumbling from GUY #2]

GUY #1: Just a couple.

GUY #2: [louder than GUY #1] I think there's more. Can you see around the corner? Up there to the right?

GUY #1: Hang on. [random grunt] Yep. I think there are a couple more back there.

GUY #2: *expletive* *expletive*


GUY #2: I'll bang on the wall and see if I can spook 'em out.

GUY #1: Well I think that's it.


So yeah...raccoons in the ducts would explain the smell. I have no clue where the men were speaking from but their voices were carrying through the vent.

The really amusing part (for me anyway) was that the voices transitioned from my dream almost perfectly. I was dreaming I was the Queen of France, with several, very bisexual, male attendants who neither spoke French nor had french accents. And I remember very clearly one of them saying "You wanna look or shall I?" before I opened my eyes and heard the first line of the transcript.

platonic lifemate, random, (places) funcie

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