Comment Fic Collection #5 - Realizations and Decisions

Nov 14, 2011 15:31

FANDOMS: 3 Psych, 1 Inception, 1 due South, 1 Torchwood
PAIRINGS: 3 Shawn/Lassiter, 1 Arthur/Eames, 1 Fraser/Kowalski, 1 Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: #1 for S'mores, #s 2 & 3 for angst and sap, #4 for even more sap, #5 for fluffy snuggle-time, #6 for yet more angst.
SUMMARY: Relationships establishing and de-establishing.
[Previous Comment Fic Collections]

#1 - In which Shawn buys a house. (Shawn/Lassiter, PG-13)
for geek_beauty "1529 [Mushaboom - Feist] Shawn/Lassiter"

Shawn finds the place by accident - a little house tucked away just outside the city. Well, maybe it's not so much an "accident" as it is a "psychic vision" that has him stumbling through the trees yelling over his shoulder to Gus that the spirits demand S'mores. Gus is in the process of reminding Shawn that he knows Shawn isn't the least bit psychic when they suddenly break through the trees to find a quaint little house. Shawn is about to make a quip about a witch and an oven when a woman in a dress suit descends the porch steps, smiling broadly.

"Welcome!" she says. "I was beginning to think an Open House all the way out here was a bad idea!"

While Gus awkwardly flirts with the attention-starved realtor, Shawn actually looks at the house. It's more of a cabin, really - just a couple cozy rooms with a rugged motif. The deck out back is nearly as big as the whole inside and Shawn spends several minutes on it, staring at the small pond just a few yards away and thinking about how often Lassiter complains about his lack of fishing opportunities.

Shawn and Carlton have been living together for exactly 363 days - probably a bit soon to be thinking about buying an actual house together, considering both of their track records. And it's not so much that Shawn actually moved in with Carlton in the first place as it is he kinda just stopped paying rent on his own apartment and Carlton kinda just stopped asking if he needed a ride to pick up a change of clothes. They hardly even think of themselves as a "couple" - they're mostly just two guys who fuck a lot and fight a lot and who don't want each other to fuck or fight with other people.

But Shawn has seen how the city gets to Carlton sometimes. The man has always been and will always be high-strung, but Shawn's spent a few years now learning the difference between Lassiter's actual personality and the way the man gets when he's stressed. There's been a lot more stress and a lot less personality lately.

He steps back inside and stares at the fireplace, thinking of forced cuddle sessions and S'mores anytime he wants them. He's got more money saved up than he lets on - smart investments he's made around the world; chances he took where others wouldn't. He's been sneaking deposits into Gus's savings account, even - paying back some of the more ridiculous loans he's taken.

Gus is going to stare at him in shock. Henry's going to shake his head and hide his power tools. Carlton's going to get pissed and will probably refuse to even set foot in the house for months…

But Shawn's always strived to surprise people, his dad is never fully going to have faith in him, and it's really, really fun to get Carlton all riled up.

Plus, S'mores.


#2 - In which Lassiter catches up. (Shawn/Lassiter, PG)
for exuberantself "1358 [It Catches Up With You - The Social Network sdtk] Psych -- Shawn/Lassiter (or just Lassi)"

It's been a long time since Lassiter's had someone to lose himself completely in. He had it with Victoria at the beginning - when they were both young and almost, just slightly, foolish. Lucinda was always only interested in forgetting her own day and never invested much in getting Lassiter to forget his. Lassiter's spent the bulk of his adulthood with no real escape from the stress of his responsibilities.

He thinks it's starting to get to him.

Shawn's just there and all Lassiter can think about anymore is losing himself in the younger man. He's shouldered his burdens for far too long - he deserves this.

Shawn just smirks at him when they find each other in the bar. He looks like all along he's just been waiting on Lassiter to catch up.


#3 - In which Shawn and Lassiter go slow. (Shawn/Lassiter, PG)
for msdillydally "2545 [Time After Time - Quietdrive] Shawn/Lassiter"

Shawn was trying so hard no to screw up whatever he was doing with Lassiter. His relationships had the history of not lasting into the long-term; the detective's record wasn't much better.

Lassiter had suggested they take things slow. (Well…slow as far as actual commitment went. They were humping like bunnies from the first mutual, lingering look.) Shawn was just having a hard time understanding when exactly Lassiter was looking to take a step forward. So far he'd not shown up to the first actual date Lassiter had planned for them and picked up a one night stand just when Lassiter was ready to be exclusive.

He was starting to wonder if it was worth it - if the few times they actually managed to be on the same page made up for that look of disappointment that was so often on Lassiter's face…

And then Jules got hurt during a prisoner transport and Shawn panicked not only for Juliet's sake, but for Lassiter's as well. Once the surgeons had deemed his partner out of mortal danger, Lassiter had disappeared. Just slipped out of the waiting room when everyone else was busy being relieved.

Shawn wasn't too surprised when the head detective showed up on his doorstep the next night, looking depressed and guilty and even more tired than usual. They stared at each other for a long moment before Shawn stepped aside and said, "About time you showed up."

When Lassiter reached for him then, Shawn thought that maybe they were finally on the same page...


#4 - In which Arthur isn't the one. (Arthur/Eames, PG)
for exuberantself "543 [I'm Not the One - The Black Keys] Inception Arthur/Eames"

Arthur is well aware of the way Eames looks at him. The way he touches him…

If Arthur were the type of man who acknowledged his feelings instead of just tamping them down, he would say it hurts…to know that Eames looks at him that way - like Arthur's something good and warm and cherishable.

The thing is, Arthur knows he's not the kind of person Eames needs. Eames is all…open and charming and… Arthur just isn't. He can't give Eames the kind of attention the Forger needs. He can't smile at him and pretend that love is all they need. There'd been a time when he thought he could… But that had been before Mal; before Arthur's worldview reverted to the doom and gloom it'd been pre-Eames.

Eames keeps trying; keeps luring Arthur off to do things the Point Man spends a lot of time regretting later. He seems happy enough with their little arrangement…but Arthur knows it's only a matter of time before Eames realizes he needs to go elsewhere for what he requires.

Arthur watches the way Eames glows in the presence of others. He's lost that light when he's alone with Arthur. He's in danger of one day becoming as dreary of Arthur if he keeps it up. Arthur can't be responsible for that.

They've each done their share of leaving in the middle of the night…

…Arthur resolves to be the first to not return.


#5 - In which Ray doesn't want to go. (Fraser/Kowalski, PG)
for crazyace86 "1986 [Volcano Girls - Veruca Salt] due South, Fraser/Ray K (either together or just friends, your choice)"

Ray burrowed deeper within the sleeping bag as he heard Fraser moving about outside the tent. They were headed back into civilization today. Ray would catch a plane to another plane to another plane that would eventually land him back in Chicago. Fraser-less.

With his face buried in their shared pillow, Ray inhaled Fraser's scent as it mixed with his own. How could he possibly leave the Mountie behind? They were buddies, best friends, something new they hadn't yet defined.

A gust of chilly air preceded the softly spoken, "Ray." Ray lifted his head to find Fraser peeking in at him. There was a sadness around the other man's eyes, even as he smiled his usual Good Morning smile.

"I don't wanna go, Frase," Ray murmured.

Fraser's smile flickered slightly. "I know it's cold out, Ray, but soon you'll be back in the land of central heating."

Ray reached out to grab hold of Fraser and pull him into the tent with him. "Silly Mountie," he whispered in the other man's ear. "Why would I want central heating when I've got my own furnace?" He pressed his face tight against Fraser's neck, feeling Fraser shiver just slightly. "If I wanted to stay, would you let me?"

Fraser was silent for a long moment before Ray felt a kiss pressed into his hair. "Of course, Ray. Always."

Ray smiled as he pushed his Mountie away. "Then shut the flap and come back to bed," he ordered around his grin. "We're not going anywhere today."


#6 - In which Jack hurts and likes it. (Jack/Ianto, PG)
for fly_meaway "3333 [Hurt - Johnny Cash] Fandom: Torchwood and pairing: Jack/Ianto."

When Jack stops to consider this thing he's doing with the youngest member of Torchwood, he doesn't exactly like what he learns about himself.

Ever since Lucia booted him from her life, Jack's been a little more…haphazard in his romantic affairs. One night stands are easier - keep him from getting too caught up with people he'll undoubtedly out live. People who will leave him behind.

But he can't seem to stop this thing with one Ianto Jones. It's toxic, no doubt. He's robbing this young man of finding a happy future with someone else; someone he can grow old with, have a family with. He's setting himself up for heartache - no one lasts in Torchwood all that long. If it doesn't kill them, it changes them. Makes them bitter. Makes them hate all the things that used to be good in life.

When Jack stops to think about his relationship with Ianto, he wonders if he's not indulging that masochistic part of himself. Ianto makes him feel like no one has in a long time. The rage Jack had felt at finding the half-converted cyberman in the basement had been the strongest emotion he'd felt in well over a decade. The fear he'd felt with Ianto lost amongst the cannibals…

This thing with Ianto hurts…will keep hurting…but it makes him feel human. He's not just some alien, stuck outside his own time, waiting on those who left him behind.


(fandom) inception, (pairing) jack/ianto, comment fic, (pairing) fraser/kowalski, (fanfic), (fanfic) due south, (fanfic) prompted, (fanfic) torchwood, (fandom) torchwood, (fanfic) inception, (pairing) shawn/carlton, (fandom) psych, (fanfic) 2011, (fanfic) psych, (pairing) arthur/eames, (fandom) due south

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