Comment Fic Collection #4 - Mischievous Women and Crossed-Over Men

Jun 05, 2011 10:50

These things are scattered all over my journal. Figured it was time to gather them all together again.

FANDOMS: 1 Leverage, 1 Doctor Who, 1 Leverage/Doctor Who, 1 Leverage/Psych, 1 Psych/Bandom
PAIRINGS: 3 Gen, 1 Amy/Rory(/Eleven), 1 Shawn/Gabe Saporta + Shawn/Lassiter
WARNINGS: #1 for Parker-ness, #2 for blue blobs, #3 for timey-wimeyness, #4 for grumpy thieves, #5 for future threesomeness.
SUMMARY: If you say you'll write're gonna write a lot of crossovers...
[Previous Comment Fic Collections]

#1 - In which Parker likes things. (Gen PG)
for carolbrown "745 [This Is Where It Gets Complicated - Doctor Who Series 5 Sdtk] Leverage, preferably about Parker but gen will do nicely too."

Parker likes things. Lots of things. Especially the shiny ones. And the things that are units of money. But not people. People are messy and confusing and usually what get in the way of Parker and Things.

So this is where it gets complicated.

Parker likes things and she doesn't like people. Except sometimes Hardison makes her smile without even giving her anything. And Sophie always smiles and lets Parker show her her most shiny things and doesn't even try to steal them (mostly). Eliot calls her crazy, but sometimes he tells her where she can find some of the very best things and he doesn't even make her share (usually). And Nate is always happy when Parker can get things for him.

Parker likes things. But sometimes, on occasion, she tolerates people. Messy, confusing people who sometimes help her get more things.


#2 - In which Amy takes her boys to the carnival. (Amy/Rory/Eleven PG)
for speccygeekgrrl "How about Eleven/Amy/Rory at an alien carnival?"

“I want to ride the ferris wheel,” Amy declared, still clutching the plush blue blob the Doctor had won for her at the telekinetic games booth. Rory had eyed it jealously until the Doctor had won him a model spaceship that flew all on its own. It buzzed around the three of them like an irritating bee and the Doctor nearly regretted his generosity.

“I’m not sure it can be counted a ferris wheel if it has an anti-gravity feature and you have to sign a liability waiver to ride it...” Rory said cautiously. He’d come along to the carnival to make Amy happy, but he’d admitted to the Doctor that morning that he’d never even been much of a fan of the nice, relatively sane, Earth carnivals either.

“Stop being a big baby,” Amy said as she rolled her eyes and signed his name for him. She abused the privilege of being married a little too much at times, perhaps, but at least the results were nearly always entertaining. “Come on! Maybe I can convince them to stop us at the top!” She grabbed her husband’s hand and dragged him to the front of the queue.

The Doctor watched after his humans, a fond smile on his face. This was good; brilliant, even. Too much time lately spent running for their lives; they all deserved the respite. The Doctor’s smile broadened as he watched Rory lean in to kiss his wife on the cheek. The Boy and Girl Who Waited...

“Oi!” Amy called out across the crowd. “You comin’ or what?”

...were apparently waiting for him...again.

The Doctor straightened his bow tie and cut his way through the crowd to join his companions. “You know, I think this is the same model that’s been banned in six other galaxies...” Amy and the Doctor shard a grin as Rory groaned between them.

“I pick the next trip,” he proclaimed.

“Of course, dear,” Amy told him, patting his hand. “What are you waiting for!?” she called to the ride operator, a creature that looked remarkably like a live version of the plush blob in her lap. “Take us to the top!”


#3 - In which Eliot was once a retrieval specialist for a Time Lord. (Gen, PG)
for hollymac_79 "Leverage/Doctor Who crossover"

For three months in the middle of 2002, no one in the world could have found one Eliot Spencer. Sure, he’d always been tricky to track down, but there had always been a select few who could at least guess at his last known location.

Eliot Spencer disappeared from a café in Prague in June and no one saw nor heard from him until he showed up, rather loudly, in the middle of a riot in India in September.

Eliot didn’t really have any friends who cared enough to ask where he’d been, but he wouldn’t have told them, anyway. They wouldn’t have believed him.


It was that somewhat quiet time in-between jobs, when Parker and Sophie disappeared to look at shiny things while Nate disappeared into a bottle and Hardison spent days on end in front of his computers, alternately looking for a new job and playing one of his many, many, video games. Eliot was sitting in Nate’s living room, watching a hockey game with the volume down low so he could keep track of the muttered curses coming through the open door to Hardison’s apartment. Just a lazy afternoon in what little downtime he got.

Eliot groaned out loud when the air was suddenly filled with an all too familiar whir. He stood from the couch just as the blue box materialized behind it. The door swung open and an annoyingly familiar face grinned at him.

“Eliot!” the Doctor said happily.

“Uh-uh,” Eliot said before the Doctor could draw him into any new scheme for adventure. “I did my year of service, remember?”

“Of course I remember! Actually, I was on my way to Perseus VIII for high tea with the harem of King Ignatius the Short. Lovely people, they do brilliant work with custard.” Eliot gave the Doctor his best unimpressed look. “Right...well the TARDIS has a bit of a space bug.” The Doctor brushed distractedly at the edge of the door. “She’s been poppin’ round all over the place!” The Doctor focused his attention back on Eliot. “You’re welcome to join me for tea...”

“Last time I joined you for tea I ended up in a Chula prison with a Hoix as a cellmate...”

“Made a friend, didn’t you?” Eliot fought the urge to roll his eyes and glared instead. “Right then; I’d best be off. It’s high treason to be late to anything on Perseus VIII.” The Doctor gave a cheery wave and disappeared inside the TARDIS. A moment later, the TARDIS moved on to its next destination.

Just as Eliot was settling back into the couch, a bleary-eyed hacker shuffled into the room. Hardison gave the TV a long look before he glanced at Eliot and then back at the TV. He did this a couple more times before Eliot finally demanded, “Man, what!?”

“Nothing,” Hardison said, holding up his hands in a placating gesture. “Just thought I heard someone watching Doctor Who without me.”

Eliot smirked to himself as Hardison shuffled back out of the room.


#4 - In which two Spencers meet. (Gen, PG)
for denyce- Psych/Leverage

Russo’s henchmen were easily dispatched. Eliot cracked his neck and stretched out his back muscles, allowing himself to focus back in on the others via the earbud.

“...and this is my business associated and part-time Sherpa, Himalayan Andy,” a non-team member was saying. Eliot frowned and started walking; he knew that voice...

Eliot rounded the corner of the lobby and stopped in his tracks as he recognized the two men talking to Sophie.

“Spencer,” he growled. The man in question turned to look at him.

“Spencer!” Shawn Spencer said with a grin. Eliot was at least happy to see that his companion, Guster, looked suitably intimidated.

“Didn’t you run off to Peru or something?” the other Spencer asked.

“Pakistan,” Eliot corrected automatically. “They actually let you leave Thailand?”

“They practically insisted, man.”

“Eliot? Is this guy going to be a problem?” Nate asked in his ear. Sophie was looking at him expectantly, as well.

“Nothing to worry about,” Eliot told them both. “Just a grifter I went to junior high with.”

“You were little once?” Parker asked, sounding confused. Eliot ignored her.

“What the hell are you doing here, Shawn?” he demanded. “Last I heard you had a permanent con going in Santa Barbara.” Eliot didn’t miss the glare Guster gave Shawn at that.

“You ran into me in both Thailand and Argentina in the same it so hard to believe I’d take a road trip in my own state?” Shawn had a point.

“That doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

Shawn and Guster shared a look. “Why are you here?” Shawn asked. He winced as Guster elbowed him and Eliot watched as the two of them started what looked like a heated argument in the form of whispers. They really hadn’t changed much since adolescence...

“Hate to interrupt the reunion, Eliot,” Nate said as he arrived in the room. “But I think we should all get out of here before those guys you didn’t go to junior high with wake up...”

“Shucks!” Shawn cried, already being pulled from the room by Guster. “Guess we’ll have to catch up another time!” Eliot glared after them.

“I wanted to meet Eliot’s friends,” Parker said with a pout as she dropped down next to Sophie.

“Later, Parker,” Nate said dismissively. “Hardison, we’re headed to you.”

Eliot spared one last glance for the corridor his old classmates had disappeared down. Sure, the other Spencer could be irritating as hell, but he had his entertaining moments and he had a knack for being unexpectedly useful. Eliot smirked to himself as he jogged to catch up with the rest of his crew. He knew he’d come across Shawn again sooner or later.


#5 - In which Shawn sucked face with a rockstar. (Shawn/Gabe Saporta + Shawn/Lassiter, PG)
for carolbrown - Shawn/Gabe

Gus didn't have too much of a problem admitting he sometimes spent his afternoons looking up music videos on YouTube. He'd finished his sales rounds early for the day and Shawn was suspiciously absent from the Psych office, so Gus settled in for some quality time with the internet.

A Cobra Starship video happened to be next in the playlist he'd stumbled upon. Gus didn't mind the song, so he kept it playing while he got up to start a new pot of coffee. When he turned around to find Shawn sitting in his desk chair, Gus considered that maybe they should reinstall that bell above the door…

"Huh," Shawn said, ignoring Gus' glare. "You know, he said he was in a band…"

"Who are you talking about? Get your feet off my desk." Gus moved to stand behind Shawn to see he was watching the same video.

"That guy; I totally made out with him at Warped Tour a couple years ago."

"You went to Warped Tour?" Gus asked skeptically.

"I was bored. You were selling drugs to kids or something." Gus glared at his best friend, but Shawn's attention was focused on the computer screen. "He's pretty hot, right?"

Gus rolled his eyes and grabbed the laptop away. "You should probably ask your boyfriend," he said pointedly as he crossed the room to claim Shawn's desk. Shawn's face lit up and Gus knew immediately he'd regret the statement.

"Dude! I still have Gabe's number. Lassie would totally go for a threesome!"

Gus groaned, knowing he'd never get that image out his head now.


(fanfic) prompted, comment fic, (fanfic), (fandom) doctor who, (pairing) shawn/carlton, (pairing) rory/amy/eleven, (fandom) psych, (fanfic) leverage, (fanfic) doctor who, (fandom) leverage, (fanfic) 2011, (fanfic) psych

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