Two Fandoms I already love...and a third to intrigue me

May 05, 2008 13:03

- So I finally started reading Twilight. Books are about the only thing I do because enough people tell me to. And since Mom felt like buying me things...I let her buy me this. (Hey, I haven't had a new book since Xmas) I've only read about halfway into Chapter One so far because there's a massive Psych fic I need to get through before I really start anything else. (I give up on everything if I try to read more than one thing at once)

- Speaking of Psych: in the latest issue of TV Guide, the role of "Ma Spencer" has gone to Cybill Shepherd. I kind of see it...kind of don't. It's going to be interesting to watch anyway, because I tend to favor the fics where Shawn's mom is, well, evil....

-Concerning the latest issue of TV Guide: the sole motivation behind the purchase was for this photo:

I'd be embarrassed to admit as much, but he's too damn gorgeous for me to care. And to think I began watching Supernatural thinking he was goofy lookin'.

Oh and Sam and Dean got sexiest siblings. (Duh.)

I can't believe a television show is capable of both turning me into a giggling school girl and making me think serious deep, thinky-thoughts. I love it!

(fandom) psych, twilight, (ppl) jared padalecki, sex on legs, pictures, (fandom) supernatural, spoilers

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