Music/Fic Meme...again

May 01, 2008 12:31

I know I just did this meme, but I was bored (as usual) and since I did Sam...I had to do Dean.

Oh, and warning for some foul language.

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble/ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

Dean Winchester (Supernatural) - PreSeries

#1 Lean On Me - Bill Withers (4:21)

His brother was bleeding again and the car was a mile away.

"Come on Sammy," Dean encouraged, pulling his brother's arm across his shoulders.

"Do it myself," the younger boy slurred, trying to pull free. He slipped and nearly fell before the older brother caught him.

"Not tonight, little brother," Dean said softly. Sam whimpered as Dean pulled him forward. "Easy. Let me do most of the work." They stumbled along in silence for a long minute.


"Yeah Sam?"

"Gonna be sick." Dean barely got his brother turned before Sam emptied the contents of his stomach on the forest floor.

"Gross dude," he said with a sigh.

"Sorry," Sam muttered as he tried to straighten again.

"S'okay. I gotcha."

#2 Color Blind - Say Anything (3:37)

He'd grown accustomed to waiting on his father. In the months since Sammy had left, their father had taken to leaving on his own again.

Dean picked up hunts of his own, doing his best not to screw them up. But too often he found himself stumbling back to an empty motel room, trying to clean up the blood in case Dad did decide to show. He'd never take a failure with him.

Dean had just put his shirt back on, covering up the rainbow of bruises that covered his chest and side when the door opened, John coming in. He blinked at his son, looking surprised to see him still there. He always looked surprised.

"Ya hungry?" he grunted.

"Yeah," he replied. Dean had so much he was hungry for.

"Let's get some dinner."

Son followed father out the door, wondering if he'd ever have the guts to ask him for what he needed.

#3 We Gotta Get Out Of This Place - Animals (3:13)

He'd been shocked when the letter came. Full ride to one of the best engineering schools in the country. He had to read it five times before it even sank in.

Dean spent the next several days in a haze. He watched the machine that was his father go about his business, looking ancient beyond his years. Watched his brother, the thirteen-year-old geek boy, struggle to make the best of the cramped motel room. The kid always had more hope than was good for him.

He could leave. Take the scholarship money and disappear into something that had absolutely nothing to do with dead people and latin incantations.

But where would that leave Sammy? Could he take care of him and handle school? He was being challenged with the task while in high school, college would surely be harder.

Night six and Dean grabbed his jacket. He had to get out of the room, at least. Even for a night.

#4 This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race (Funkrock Remix) - Fall Out Boy (3:32)

They were fighting again, Dean noticed right away. He'd only been gone to the store for thirty minutes, what could they possibly have found to fight about in that time?

"I can't skip my finals!" Sam yelled just as Dean let the screen door shut behind him. The middle Winchester sighed. So that's what they were fighting about: Dad's announcement they were leaving over the weekend.

"You'll do what I tell you to!" John Winchester shouted back. Dean cringed, knowing that was the worst thing he could've said.

"I'm not your fucking puppet!" Another cringe, wishing Sam had not just dropped the f-bomb to their father. "This is your vendetta. Not mine!"

"And you think I asked for this!?" John hissed in a low voice. Dean wondered how much shouting had gone on before his arrival if John's throat had been shouted out.

#5 All Mixed Up - 311 (3:02)

He thought he might have loved her. At least, he loved the way she made him feel: like nothing else even existed outside of them. It was good to forget himself sometimes.

She had a way of knocking him on his ass like no other girl had managed before and he oddly liked the abuse. They fought more often than not, but the sex was amazing (and Dean never ran from anything that brought him pleasure).

He thought she might have loved him too. And Dean always trusted his gut; the instincts that had saved his life so many times before.

He told her who he really was, what he really did and she knocked him on his ass again.

Difference this time was she didn't come back to pick him up.

#6 Think of Me - Phantom of the Opera (2004 Movie Soundtrack) (6:34)

Dean drove his baby brother to the bus stop in silence. His last fifteen minutes with the kid and he had no clue what to say. Keep out of trouble? Don't screw up? He couldn't think of anything that his brother wouldn't take to be as offensive as their father's words.

Sam paused with his hand on the door handle, and Dean thought he might've changed his mind. Their eyes met across the front seat of the Impala, and Dean realized he hadn't changed his mind, just couldn't figure out what to say either.

"You got enough money for your ticket?" Dean managed to grunt out, automatically reaching for his wallet.

"I got it, Dean," Sam said, not unkindly. "Just..."

"Ya know, what Dad said..." Dean began. "You've got my number, right?" Sam nodded. Dean cleared his throat and looked straight out through the windshield.

"Try not to forget everything I taught you," he said quietly. The car was silent again for a long moment before the passenger door creaked open ominously.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Sam said just as quietly before he got out.

Dean jumped as the door slammed shut and turned to watch his brother disappear into the building selling tickets. It took a lot for him to pull away, but he wouldn't be the one to give his brother the chance to give up on his dream.

#7 Indiana - Jon McLaughlin (3:48)

Fucking Crossroads of America.

Dean hated that sign. Passing it meant nothing but miles and miles of corn and soybeans. Maybe an occasional cow or two.

And the weather; GOOD GOD the weather. It'd been sunny, mid-70s, when he'd hit Richmond, just across the Ohio line. And now, two hours later, it was 20 degrees cooler and raining. He wouldn't be surprised if in another twenty miles he found ice. End of April meant nothing to this state.

If it wasn't for the promise of an authentic haunted house in the southern region (and a meet-up with his increasingly elusive father), he would've avoided the state all-to....Holy Shit! Was that a fucking BUFFALO in the road!?

"I hate Indiana," Dean grumbled after slamming on his brakes. He waited for the bison to move out of the road and swore, not for the first time, he was never coming back.

#8 Zombie - The Cranberries (5:11)

Dean thought it was kind of funny to describe his brother as a zombie, seeing as he'd never actually dealt with a true zombie before. A ghoul once, but never a zombie.

But Sam had been walking around in a daze for the past week and Dean was starting to get worried. Sure the kid had his bouts of brooding, but Dean could usually at least get a laugh out of him. This was getting creepy.

He wasn't snooping on purpose, but his favorite knife had gone missing and the mess of their shared bedroom required that he go through everything if he ever hoped to see it again. The envelope fell out of one of Sam's textbooks and Dean picked it up without really thinking.

"Stanford University" in bold letters at the corner made him pause, and before Dean knew what he was doing the letter had been read.

A thousand thoughts rushed through Dean's head. Sam leaving. Sam alone. Sam in danger. Sam leaving. Sitting on the edge of his little brother's bed, Dean thought his heart might have broken a little. It'd been four years since the word "Congratulations" had haunted the older brother and it heart like hell to see it show up again.

And he knew, without a doubt, his brother wouldn't make the same decision he had.

#9 What Is Love - Haddaway (3:53)

The bass in the club made his whole body throb and Dean didn't notice his phone had been vibrating until it was already going to voicemail. He pushed through the crowd to get away from the dance floor as he pulled it from his pocket and moved toward the exit.

"1 Missed Call: Sam," the display said, and Dean froze just outside the door. He hadn't spoken to his brother in over a year. Wasn't even sure what he'd say to him if they spoke now.

His heart was pounding, despite the lack of bass outside, as the phone chirped, declaring he had a new voicemail message. Dean numbly punched in his code, putting the phone to his ear.

He smiled despite himself, never being able not to be amused by a drunken little brother. But his chest tightened at his brother's parting words, "Come see me. You can't salt and burn Sammy."

He'd never be ready to bury his baby brother, but he wasn't quite ready to face him again yet. Too many bad words between them last they'd spoke.

He hit the "7" on his phone, closed it, and pushed his way back into the club.

#10 Happy Jack - The Who (2:14)

Their father had somehow managed to break his leg in three places and Dean suddenly found himself taking care of two children. Actually, his eight-year-old brother was behaving better than their thirty-something father.

John Winchester and painkillers were, surprisignly, not a good idea. He'd always thought he wanted to see his father happy, but this "high" his father seemed to be caught in was creeping Dean out.

"Hey Sammy!" John yelled in such an unusual tone. "Where's your baseball?"

Dean groaned and hurried out to the living room. "Dad!" he yelled. "Stay off your...leg." He groaned again and moved to help his old man up.

End Note: #s 3, 8 and 9 tie into Sam's 3, 7 and 9....if you're interested.

(Master Fic List)

(fanfic) supernatural, meme, (fanfic) prompted, (fandom) supernatural, (meme) music/fic, (fanfic)

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