Torchwood Rec List

Apr 01, 2008 02:14

Here's a list of my Torchwood Recommendations (mostly fic). Organized by pairing (or lack-of) and in alphabetical order. Some with my own notes, some without.


A Matter of Time by demotu - RATING: R/NC-17 WORD COUNT: 101,259 SUMMARY: "A time travelling, action-adventure, romance-filled science fiction romp ensues when Ianto runs into Jack in the fifty-first century after an accident with a vortex manipulator. Laser blasters, alien dance clubs, mercenaries, a little too much public sex for Ianto's tastes, sneaky plans and circular logic can be found here." MY NOTES: This fic is excellent in how it explores both Jack and Ianto. Amazing backstory for Jack. Plus some hot past!Jack/Ianto/future!Jack. Long, but worth it. AO3 Link

An Exercise in Frustration by smallwaldo - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~9,000 SUMMARY: "Something comes up while Ianto is archiving some random artifacts. Problem is, it won't go back down again." MY NOTES: This is mostly a PWP fic, but I also think it's a highly plausible first-time Janto scenario. It's not overly emotional, and it's very lovely and hot. AO3 Link

And Indeed There Will Be Time by kaydeefalls - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 43,000 SUMMARY: "In 1919, Harriet Derbyshire was killed while investigating the disappearance of Torchwood Four in Dublin. In 2009, UNIT pulls a dying man out of the Irish Sea with a one-word message: Torchwood. Martha joins up with Jack's team in Cardiff to track down the errant branch of the organization - before a time-traveling race of aliens can change the course of history as we know it." MY NOTES: This is definitely my head canon for Torchwood Four. Bonus timetraveling!Ianto.

And You Will Know Her By the Smile In Her Eyes by gilascave - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 21,952 SUMMARY: "Jack is gone, and Ianto has discovered something very important that he needs Jack for. Will he find Jack in time, and, more importantly, what will happen when Jack does return? AU after season one." MY NOTES: I usually avoid MPreg...but I kinda adore this one. I think it's because there's also time-traveling Ianto. :) AO3 Link

Blind Date by lady_razzle - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: ~7,200 SUMMARY: "It’s Ianto’s first solo field assignment. Jack is not best pleased." MY NOTES: Post-KKBB. Leads up to Jack and Ianto "reconnecting".

Butterfly in Reverse by hitlikehammers - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 19,656 SUMMARY: "It’s not fair that Jack always has to lose what he loves, and Ianto is going to fix it. Post-Exit Wounds, mild crossover with Doctor Who." MY NOTES: I'm picky on the immortal!Ianto fics, but I like the concept behind this one.

Comfortable Horrors by alex51324 - RATING: Hard R WORD COUNT: ~30,000 SUMMARY: "After the events of "Cyberwoman," Jack keeps Ianto prisoner in the Hub. This is not a full-on dark!Jack AU, but he isn't Uncle Fluffy in this one, either." MY NOTES: I like the Jack/Ianto dynamic in this one. Neither of them can really figure out what to do with the other. And I like the characterization of Ianto.

Compromise by sam_storyteller - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 6,570 SUMMARY: "After the Beacons, Ianto's inner censor is offline and Jack refuses to go home. German expressionism ensues." MY NOTES: "Countrycide" is one of my favorite TW episodes. This is my favorite tag to that. Includes one of my most favorite Ianto lines ever: "I'm mean sober...Just quieter." AO3 Link

Condition of Release by sam_storyteller - RATING: R SUMMARY: "Jack has studied the Cybermen for forty years, and he's damned if he'll let one take any of his people away from him without a fight." MY NOTE: I'm picky about Cyberwoman tags, but I love this one. Follows Ianto's recovery up through "They Keep Killing Susie" and shows a developing Jack/Ianto relationship.

Confessions by out_there - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 7,321 SUMMARY: "One brush with cannibalistic villagers and everyone felt the sudden urge to confess."

Conversational Japanese, Plus Frogs by james - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 6,810 SUMMARY: "Tosh and Ianto have been taken prisoner. They cope."

Disambiguation and Disambiguation: In These Stones by invisible_lift - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~19,000 SUMMARY: "Disambiguation is an AU that follows the exploits of a parallel Torchwood where the events of "End of Days" didn't go as smoothly as they do in canon. Features Andy Davidson as a member of the team." MY NOTES: This isn't so much "au" as it is "parallelu"...if there's really a distinction. But it's got lovely characterization. And PC Andy!

five times Death stopped for Jack (and once he didn't) by kaydeefalls - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~6,500 SUMMARY: "And he wants it to, he really wants it. The shock of impact when the bullet hits his forehead, the flare of pain so quickly quenched, and then the darkness and peace, however brief, the blessed nothingness of death before life drags him back up into the nightmare again." MY NOTES: I like that this is Janto, but it incorporates the whole team nicely as well. AO3 Link

From Which Come All Things by mclachlan - RATING: R WORD COUNT: ~40,000 SUMMARY: "From the chaos, life." MY NOTES: EPIC mindfuck. AU as far as Series 2 goes, but an amazing work of art. Reminds me a bit of American Gods.

Ghost in this Hub by jadesfire2808 - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: ~2600 SUMMARY: "Something's not quite right at Torchwood Three, but it's taking the team a while to get to the bottom of it." MY NOTES: This fic makes me want to *SQUISH* Ianto (you know...more than usual). Luckily, Jack's there to do it for me. AO3 Link

Hourglass by lazuli - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~100,000 SUMMARY: "They were all miserable.  They were all struggling.  But Jack…" MY NOTES: This fic is a gorgeous look at the Torchwood team post-Exit Wounds. Especially at how Ianto is trying to hold everything together.

Intersecting Geodesics by NancyBrown - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 37,386 SUMMARY: "Stuck in a time with a Jack who hasn't met him yet, all Ianto wants is a way home." MY NOTES: I'm such a sucker for time-traveling!Ianto and this works out lovely as a CoE fix-it fic.

Jack's Bliss by laligin - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 2000 SUMMARY: "Diane couldn't explain to Owen what flying felt like. Jack would have understood." MY NOTES: This fic is gorgeous and metaphorical and it makes me feel a lot more than other fics out there.

Lacunae by kenazfiction - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~5000 SUMMARY: "There's quite a bit that Jack has forgotten." MY NOTES: I've not seen a lot of fic that really deals with the after effects of Jack being buried underground for so long. This one deals with it nicely. AO3 Link

Missing & Accounted For by crazyfairy- RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 36,815 SUMMARY: "What would have happened if Torchwood knew that Jack was with the Doctor during The Sound of Drums?"

Object Permanence by solsticezero - RATING: PG SUMMARY: "You need to learn that we won't disappear if you close your eyes." MY NOTES: Lovely angsty look at how Ianto is trying to deal with things post-Exit Wounds. I love the Ianto/Gwen friendship in this, as well.

Objectively by misbegotten - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 2267 words SUMMARY: "Objectively, it's fair to say that Ianto Jones threw himself at Jack Harkness. Set after "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang"" MY NOTES: I think this is my favorite Post-KKBB fic. Feels like a good fit for Ianto's thoughts at the end of that episode. AO3 Link

On Atlas' Shoulders by sarcasticchick - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~3000 SUMMARY: "What cost victory?" MY NOTES: Missing scene from "Meat". It's not a fluffy look at the Jack/Ianto relationship, but it's not entirely dark. Love the characterization of Ianto in it.

Recovery by out_there - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 9,084 SUMMARY: "This is how they mourn." MY NOTES: Lovely tag to "Exit Wounds" in which Rhys kinda takes care of everyone and the fact that Ianto was buried under a building is actually addressed.

scenes from the end of the world by moogle62 - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~4300 SUMMARY: "It's the end of the world, and they know it." MY NOTES: This was written for me, so I'm a bit biased, but I think this is lovely. Warning for character death(s).

Shades of Ash by marita_c - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 1,935 SUMMARY: "It's been like this since the day they lost half their team...Ianto doesn't know all details...but it must have been really fucking awful to have left him in this state...." MY NOTES: Post Exit Wounds. Angsty sex.

Sicut lilium iner spinas by lacesforalady - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~4,800 SUMMARY: "Firefly/Torchwood crossover. Two of the crew fall through the rift…" MY NOTES: I really wish this fic was longer, but I enjoy it as it is. I love the characterization of River and how the Torchwood team reacts to her (and to Jayne).

Steps to the End by louiex - RATING: PG/PG-13 WORD COUNT: 3,723 SUMMARY: "Three meetings during the Year That Never Was with Martha, Jack, and the Doctor. (Spoilers for end of DW season 3 Warning: Character death)" MY NOTES: X-over with Doctor Who. Probably the most beautifully tragic DW/TW fic I've ever read. Extremely well written.

The Grand Café del Verta Nor by amethyst_lupin - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~14,000 SUMMARY: "Ianto is lost in time and space. Jack is very eternal. The Doctor is worried about the universe imploding. And Rose gets to have chips. Really it's just a love story." MY NOTES: This is one of my all-time favorite any fandom. I love it for the time travel with the beautifully succinct exposition and the wonderful characterization of Ianto and the plot is gorgeous and I just really love it. Read it. Please.

The Quiet Room by sam_storyteller - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 1,722 SUMMARY: "Inside this room, no one talks," Ianto said, his voice carefully neutral. "It isn't allowed. What goes on here stays here and, outside of it, never happened. Other than that there are no rules, in a manner of speaking." MY NOTES: One of my favorite team!fics. There's Ianto/Tosh and Jack/Ianto/Gwen aside from the Jack/Ianto.

The Time Traveller's Husband by leofuller - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 2229 SUMMARY: "Jack’s immortal. Ianto isn’t." MY NOTES: This fic is lovely. It's what made me want to read The Time Traveller's Wife (I enjoyed this fic much more than that book...)

Time Enough by veronicaluv - RATING: Adult WORD COUNT: ~66,100 SUMMARY: "'There is a time for departure, even when there's no certain place to go.' ~ Tennessee Williams This is Ianto's journey." MY NOTES: Lovely Janto story that follows Ianto through both seasons. Nice coverage of post-Exit Wounds emotions.

To Be Alone With You by skellerbvvt - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 2,819 SUMMARY: ""Now they lay here, on this too-cramped, musky bunk, negotiating peace treaties and embassies as air brushed thought away in no-man’s land." MY NOTES: This is beautifully written. There's only a line or two of dialogue and that makes it all the more gorgeous when dealing with the relationship between this two men.

Touching the Void by calavarna - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 25,697 SUMMARY: "When Ianto finds himself in wartime London and in the clutches of a strange but familiar conman, he struggles to find a balance between revealing the future and creating a paradox. Meanwhile, Jack tries to get Ianto back while dealing with a head full of memories that aren't his own." MY NOTES: Lovely fic with timetraveling!Ianto and a nice look at the relationship between Jack and Ianto. Good Ianto characterization.

Trying to Communicate by sam_storyteller - RATING: PG SUMMARY: "There's an alien in the Hub, and it's trying to communicate. This borders perilously on crackfic." MY NOTES: This is crack...but not. "I HAS A YANTOE" is something many a fangirl has dreamed of one day saying...

Two Solitudes by Veronica - RATING: R WORD COUNT: ~8,200 SUMMARY: "Jack has returned but all is not well between him and Ianto-and it may be too late to make it right." MY NOTES: Lovely little fic (with a dash of kickass!Ianto) that takes places between KKBB and Sleeper.

Typo by smallwaldo - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 842 SUMMARY: "“You know, I would have thought they’d have had a pill or something in the fifty-first century that would cure dyslexia." MY NOTES: Post Lost Souls. Cute little banter between Jack and Ianto. AO3 Link

Unfixed Wishes by christine_twfan - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 9,926 SUMMARY: "Ianto discovers an alien artifact in the archives, which sets him on an unexpected path." MY NOTES: Lovely way for Ianto to be with Jack throughout time...without Ianto being immortal. Companion fic: Secret Admirer

When in Rome by silversolitaire - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 25,391 SUMMARY: "Stranded on a strange planet, Jack finds he has to take extreme measures to save Ianto's life. The question is, are those measures that Ianto will be able to accept?" MY NOTES: I think this is my favorite first-time Jack/Ianto fic. And I wonder what that says about me since it should probably be considered dub-con....

Wide Open Space by rivier - RATING: G WORD COUNT: 3,956 SUMMARY: "Cold, the concrete is cold under his shins." MY NOTES: Tag to "Cyberwoman". Nice look at Ianto's emotions. Not overly schmoopy.

Writing Truth in Blue by pecos - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~33,000 SUMMARY: "The glimpse of a pink shirt in the rubbish skip was enough tweak Jack’s curiosity. What he eventually found led him to realize what he was about to lose forever." MY NOTES: I'm definitely a sucker for psychic!Ianto fic...

You Can Be Interesting Tomorrow by smallwaldo - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 3,770 SUMMARY: "Owen accidentally gets revenge for Ianto shooting him; Ianto contemplates bugs, bears and babies (the less said about the chickens, the better) and Jack finds Ianto interesting. (Takes place shortly after "Something Borrowed", while Gwen is on her honeymoon.)" MY NOTES: Not!Sober Ianto is love. AO3 Link

You Go Ahead, I'll Stay Here by caladria - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 1,775 SUMMARY: "But they’ll say the lies, because they wish they were true." MY NOTES: Post Exit Wounds. Ianto's POV with mutual comfort between Jack/Ianto.


A Blip In Time (Jack/Ianto) by di0br - SONG: "End" by Secondhand Serenade SPOILERS: Children of Earth and The Dead Line MY NOTES: This vid totally broke my heart.

Faster - Ianto/Jack/Gwen by ZoettaPerry - SONG: "Faster" by Plain White Ts SPOILERS: Both seasons. MY NOTES: I normally don't like Ianto/Jack/Gwen but I really love this vid. The clips chosen go well with the song and it's lovesick puppy-ish.

Owen Harper - The Pretender by XFireXEaterX - SONG: "The Pretender" by Foo Fighters SPOILERS: Season 2. MY NOTES: Excellent character study of Owen.

Master Rec List

(pairing) jack/ianto/jack, (pairing) jack/ianto, (paring) ianto/tosh, (rec) fic, (fandom) torchwood, (rec), (rec) vid, (pairing) jack/ianto/gwen

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