Psych Rec List

Apr 01, 2008 16:01

Here's a list of my Psych Recommendations (mostly fic). Organized by pairing (or lack-of) and in alphabetical order. Some with my own notes, some without.

NOTE: This is by no means a complete list. 1) There's a ton of excellent fic out there I've yet to read. and 2) I have a massive folder of fic bookmarked to be rec''s going to take me awhile to get to it all. :)


For the Record, This Was Not My Idea by dragonnan - RATING:R WORD COUNT: 30,331 SUMMARY: "It was a curse- it had to be. He should have known reconnecting with his father would be a painful- nay, agonizing experience. But who could have guessed it would be deadly?" MY NOTES: Shawn whumpage with a big helping of protective!Henry. Nuff said.

Monday by dragonnan - RATING: T WORD COUNT: 10,475 SUMMARY: "It started off as a sleepless night. Hello, did I ask for an ambulance? And now you say I could possibly get murdered? I have a better idea, how about just knock me out for the duration of the story. And don't forget my distaste for things pointy." MY NOTES: Some lovely Hurt!Shawn.

The Boy in Blue by Collegekid06 - RATING: E WORD COUNT: 10,895 SUMMARY: "Shawn's nightmares all come true when he finally ends up at the police academy...and it's not by choice."

The Longest Day by LittleFairy - RATING: T WORD COUNT: 40,062 SUMMARY: "Shawn knows it's technically not really his fault. Lassiter thinks differently. Emphatically so. But they have to make the best of the situation together, no matter who is to blame. Because the bad guys are on their way to Mexico, the other bad guys are after them, they're in the middle of nowhere, and somehow they have ended up...cuffed together. It's just one of those days." MY NOTES: Lassiter & Shawn handcuffed hurt!Shawn plus hurt!Lassiter and I am in my happy place. (The sequel The Road Not Taken is also lovely).

Watching You by windscryer - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: 9,817 SUMMARY: "Once upon a time Shawn Spencer wanted to be just like his father. Sometimes Henry wishes he hadn't." MY NOTES: An excellent fic for protective!Henry and hurt!Shawn.


1930 by laytoncolt - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~30,000 SUMMARY: "See a penny, pick it up (and all the day you'll have good luck)." MY NOTES: Excellent Shawn voice. Plus I like the way the relationship between Shawn/Carlton starts. Also uses Shawn's Uncle Jack nicely.

A Different Corner by lucyhale - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: ~61,200 SUMMARY: "Lassiter works on a grisly case that only gets worse when Gus goes missing, and Shawn's Federal Agent ex shows up wanting the case, and Shawn, for himself." MY NOTES: I think this is one of the best Shawn/Lassiter casefic's I've read. The characterization's good, for one, but the actual plot is amazing as well. The lovely Gus/Juliet doesn't hurt, either.

Addictive by andieshep - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "As frustrating and infuriating as Shawn Spencer could be, there was something addictive about him that Carlton Lassiter could never understand." MY NOTES: Carlton enjoys getting Shawn off. It's hot.

Better by debris_k - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: ~2,000 SUMMARY: "Carlton bit back a curse and Shawn muttered choice words about ‘stubborn, unable to wait or ask for help, bull-headed, really ridiculously lanky cops’" MY NOTES: I'm a sucker for some Hurt!Lassie. AO3 Link

Comes on Like Drowning by barstoolrodeo - RATING: PG WORD COUNT: 1,086 SUMMARY: "Just a little something about what Carlton Lassiter knows. " MY NOTES: A more serious look at the Shawn/Carlton relationship from Carlton's POV. Love the way Carlton is written.

Desperado by cenori - RATING: G WORD COUNT: 2,696 SUMMARY: "Shawn had learned a lot about Lassiter this week, and the funny thing was, whenever that happened he ended up learning something about himself as well." MY NOTES: This fic is adorable and so very Shawn. Post High Noon-ish.

Drinkity Druggity (Meow Meow Meow) by rispacooper - RATING: PG-13 WORD COUNT: ~21,600 SUMMARY: "Two (**see ending**) stories about relationships and various forms of love, taking place between Henry and Shawn and Juliet and Carlton…in which Shawn and Lassi have some things to work out. There is, as you might notice, a theme of intoxication (or lack thereof). Shawn to the rescue!" MY NOTES: I love the way Lassiter is written in this one. Shawn, Juliet and Henry, too. But especially Lassiter.

Finding the Way Home by gryvon - RATING: R WORD COUNT: 3,018 SUMMARY: "After Santa Barbara is destroyed, Shawn and Lassiter try to find a safe place." MY NOTES: Psych definitely needs more End-of-the-World fic. This is slightly dark (with mentions of character death), but it's a wonderful read and an interesting take on Psych fic.

Just a Kink by gixi - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 1,571 SUMMARY: "Lassiter has a gun kink. Shawn/Lassiter." MY NOTES: Gun!kink + Shawn with a firearm. Seriously, need I say more?

Later Days by wolfscythe - RATING: NC-17 WORD COUNT: 35,260 SUMMARY: "LassiterShawn. The pair are on a case involving smuggling, murder, prostitution and kidnapping. Not a story for the faint of heart. Contains explicit slash, violence, language and sex." MY NOTES: This fic is solely responsible for turning me into a Shawn/Carlton fangirl. I just didn't "get" the pairing (or slash in general, really) until this fic. Dark, in parts, but oh so beautiful.

Right Place, Wrong Time by regann - RATING:PG-13/R SUMMARY: "17-year-old Shawn has a fake ID burning a hole in his pocket, a college party to crash, and a mission to stop being the only virgin in his senior class. Unfortunately, there's this big-earred, good-doing grad student by the name of Carlton who catches him in the act. The unfair nature of cosmic humor being what it is, thus begins something that'll come back to haunt them both ten years later -- when an adult Shawn Spencer decides to give psychic investigation a try." MY NOTES: This story is EPIC and I seriously think it should be a requisite for all Shassie 'shippers. If Later Days is what got me to look at Shawn/Carlton... RPWT is what solidified it as my OTP.

Stronger by Eudoxus - RATING: T WORD COUNT: 1,036 SUMMARY: "...he wondered if it would have been any more special- or any more traumatic, because God, was Lassiter nasty hung over- if he hadn’t known, if it had been a surprise like it had been for Lassiter, that first morning after." MY NOTES: A less fluffy approach to the Shawn/Carlton relationship. Almost like...character study via slash.

What Happens In Freedom Stays In Freedom by scribblinlenore - RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: "A star witness is on the run, and Lassiter and Shawn have to hit the road to bring him back to Santa Barbara." MY NOTES: HOT sex! The story's good too. :) AO3 Link

What To Do When Alcohol Turns You Gay by andieshep - RATING: R SUMMARY: "A drunken night forces Shawn to do some soul searching." MY NOTES: There are plenty of fics out there that deal with Carlton freaking out the morning after, but not so many where Shawn freaks out. Plus this fic is just awesomely in-character.


Get it Faster - Psych by isisgirl2 - SONG: "Get it Faster" - Jimmy Eat World MY NOTES: An angsty look at Shawn and Henry's relationship.

Master Rec List

(pairing) shawn/carlton, (fandom) psych, (rec) vid, (rec) fic, (rec)

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