Psych 3x10 Review

Jan 10, 2009 14:30

First off, I have to say how much I absolutely LOVED this episode. I laughed so hard I cried twice and snorted I don't know how many times. And now, a review. (Do I have to say there are spoilers? Cuz there are.)

Favorite Parts:

- Wee!Shawn and his scheming. (Also Big!Shawn and his scheming...)

- Dishonorably Discharged from the Salvation Army. There has GOT to be a fic on that....

- Shawn and Gus fighting over the girl and both turning out slightly creepy.

- "April we're going to need to get into that office so I can feel things."

- I love that when April takes Shawn & Gus to the security wall, Shawn is the only one being logical and actually thinking things through. (Gus going after a girl is apparently a very reckless affair.)

- Disheveled!Lassie! He wasn't wearing a tie! And there was sternum bush!

- Spelling out "thesealion" and Lassiter thinking it was French! (this was the first time I laughed so hard I cried this episode)

- "Maybe he started swimming with the wrong crowd. You didn't find any tattoos did you?" Snarky!Lassie is love.

- Plan B: "OMG I KILLED HIM!" (Second time I laughed so hard I cried)

- I can't 'ship Gus/Shawn (I see them too much as brothers) but them spooning in the hull was PRICELESS

- Vick telling Juliet how to text.

-Gus can't say anemone.

What Really Got Me to Love This Episode:

Um...can we say EVERYTHING? Seriously...I don't think I can decide. Mostly, I just loved how well the characters were written for this episode. All of them. Steve Franks owns a rather large part of my soul right now.

First, I'll say I absolutely loved Timothy Omundson in this episode. He has grown on me so hardcore since the first season (when I didn't really care for him). I love that the Lassiter this season is showing an odd, but still slightly goofy, personality. It makes me all kinds of warms and fuzzies inside. He's not just a hardass detective that yells at people. Well he is that....but he's more too.

Juliet redeemed herself to me a little. This season she's kind of annoyed me. But from the second she said "The ShabbyCam is my screensaver" I was cracking up.

Karen is a person! She goes to Phil Collins' concerts. She texts people. I loved those little details.

Henry gets a kick out of having a kid so the kid can keep him on his toes. The whole "I want you to make it more of a challenge for me to catch you" was totally sweet in its own way. He encourages his son's creativity...even if he's going to yell at him later for it. It's dysfunctional...but it's Henry.

I like that Gus was a little more reckless when it came down to him competing with Shawn for a girl. It was kind of a reminder that Gus isn't always an "angel". He's usually just a little more subtle about it. But hey, all bets are off when a girl's involved, right?

And finally, Shawn. He was occasionally the voice of reason in this episode and I heart that. It's like...he does think things through, he just usually doesn't pay attention and does it anyway.

I really just feel like this episode was beautifully written. It was hilarious, for one, but it also had some excellent moments of character insight. Definitely one of my most favorites.

Random note:

I actually kind of liked April. She was crazy in a sweet, well-meaning kind of way (sort of like Shawn). I didn't mind her as a love interest for either of the boys and I'm kind of sad she didn't "stick". But, really, if that's the only disappointing thing of this episode? I'll take it.

What'd you think of the episode?

P.S. - I cannot wait until next week's episode!!

(fandom) psych, (ppl) timothy omundson, episode review

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