+ Please tell me I'm not the only person looking forward to this movie:
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+ The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! was on Hulu last night! I totally LOVE that movie. It's one of my all-time favorites. We used to check it out from the library about every other week when I was growing up. I'm 90% certain this man:
(John Phillip Law) is the reason I am so in love with tall men today. Especially ones with blue eyes. Rawr.
+ I am determined to be at least somewhat productive today. I've already bathed (YAY). Now I need to go to the bank and then pay my rent. There was something else I was going to do today... Laundry maybe?
+ I've spent the past two days watching my new How I Met Your Mother and Arrested Development DVDs and now I don't know what to watch. Maybe Firefly again. Maybe Dark Angel. Maybe activate the 3 months of Netflix my mom gave me for X-mas? Decisions, decisions. Maybe I just shouldn't watch anything and focus on being PRODUCTIVE.