De хомяках

May 13, 2009 21:41

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Анекдот о купленном на рынке хомячке в обработке св. Иеронима!
Хомяки - помесь хоббита с драконом?
Читал ли Профессор труды по хомяковедению?
Тяжелая жизнь среднеевропейских хомячков в шестнадцатом веке!
И многое другое - в предлагаемой вам выдержке из книги Конрада Гесснера в переводе на ранненовоанглийский Эдварда Топселя (1607).

THis beast is called in Latine Crycetus, and in the Germaine toung Hamester, Traner, and Kornfaerle, the names that is piggs of the corne. It is a little beast, not much bigger then a Rat, dweling in the earth of the rootes of corne, she is not drawne against her wil out of her caue at any time, but by powring hot water or some other lickor. The head of it is of diuers colours, the backe red, the belly white, and the haire sticketh so fast to the skin, that it is easier to pul the skin from the flesh, then any part of the haire from the skin. It is but a little Beast as we haue said, but very apt to bite and fight, and ful of courage, and therefore hath receiued from nature this ornament and defence, that it hath a bonie helmet, couering the head and the braine when it standeth vp, vppon the hinder legges: It resembleth both in colour and proportion a Bear. And for this cause some writers haue interpreted it to be the beast called Arctomys, thus described by Saint Ierom. It is a creature (saith he) abounding in the regions of Palastina, dwelling alwaies in the holes of rockes and caues of the earth, not exceeding the quantity of a Hedgehogge, and of a compounded fashion, betwixt a mouse and a Beare.

But we haue shewed already, that this is the Alpine mous, and therefore wee will not stand to confute it here. The name Crycetus seemes to be deriued from the Illirian word, which we read in Gelenig to be Skuzecziek: this beast saith he, is common in the Northern parts of the world, and also in other places, in figure, and shape, it resembleth a Beare, in quantity it neuer exceedeth a great Sorex. It hath a short taile, almost like no taile, it goeth vpon two legs, especially when it is mooued to wrath. It vseth the fore-feete in steade of hands, and if it had as much strength, as it hath courage, it would be as fiercefull as any Beare. For this little beast is not afraide to leape into the hunters face, although it can doe no great harme, either with teeth or nailes. It is an argument that it is exceeding hot, because it is so bold and eager. In the vppermost chap, it hath long and sharp teeth, growing two by two. It hath large and wide cheekes, which they alwaies fill, both carrying in, and carrying out, they eate with both, whereupon a deuouring fellow such a one as Stasimus a seruant to Plautus was, is called Crycetus, a Hamster, because he filleth his mouth well, and is no pingler at his meate.

The fore-feete are like a Moulds, so short, but not altogether so broad, with them he digeth the earth, and maketh his holes to his den, but when he diggeth so far as he cannot cast the earth out of the hole with them, then he carrieth it foorth in his mouth. His den within he maketh large, to receiue corne, and prouision of fruite for his sustentation, whereinto he diggeth many holes, winding and turning euery way, that so he may be safe both against beasts that hunt him, and neuer be killed in his den: And also if a man digge the earth he may find his lodging with more difficultie. In the haruest time he carrieth in graine of all sorts, and my Author saith, Neque minus in colligendo industrius, quam in eligendo, conseruandoque est astutus, optima enim reponit. He is no lesse industrious in the gathering of his prouision, then crafty and pollitike in the choice, and keeping it, for it laies vp the best; and lest that it should rot vnder the earth, it biteth off the fibres and taile of the graine, laying vp the residue amongst grasse and stubble.

It lies gaping ouer his gathered graine, euen as the couetous man is described in the Satyre sleeping vpon his money bagges. It groweth fatte with sleepe like Dormice, and Conies. The holes into the caue are very narrow so that with sliding out and in, they wear their haire. The earth which commeth out of their holes doth not lie on heapes like molehils, but is despersed abroad, and that it fittest for the multitude of the holes, and all the holes and passages are covered with earth: but that hole which for the most part she goeth out at, is knowne by a foote-pathe, and hath no hinderaunce in it, the other places at which she goeth out are more obscure and hid, and shee goeth out of them backwardes. The male and femal do both enhabit in one caue, and their younge ones being brought forth, they leaue their old den and seeke them out some new habitation. In the male there is this perfidity, that when they haue prepared al their sustenance and brought it in, hee doth shut out the female, and suffereth her not to approch nie it, who reuengeth his perfidiousnes by deccipt. For going into some adioyning caue, she doeth likewise pertake of the fruits which were laid vp in store by some other secret hole in the caue, the male neuer perceiuing it.

So that nature hath wonderfully foreseene the pouerty of al creatures: neither is it otherwise amongst men, for that which they canot do by equity, they perform by fraud. This also commeth in the speech of the common people, against one that wil thriue. The yong country wenches concerning this matter, do chaunt out a verse not vnpleasant, which I am contented to expresse in Iambickes, consisting of foure feet:

Hamester ipse cum sua
Prudens catusque coniuge
Stipat profundum pluribus
Per tempus antrum frugibus
Possitque solus vt frui,
Lectis aceruis hordei
Auarus antro credulam
Extrudit arte comugem
Serua, inquit, exiens, foras,
Coeli serena & pluuias,
Sed foeminis quis insitam?
Vincant dolis astutiam?
Nouum parans cuniculum.
Furatur omne triticum.
Egens maritus perfidam
Quaerit per antra coniugem,
Nec se repellat blandulis
Demulcit inuentam sunis,
Ille esse iam communiae
Seruata dum sinit bona.
At perfidus multiplices
Opponit intus obices.
Rursus fruuntur mutuis
Antris, cibis, amplexibus.

This beast doth deuoure all kinde of fruite, and if he be nourished in a house he eateth bread and flesh: he also hunteth the fielde mice. When he taketh his meate, he raiseth himselfe vpon his fore feete: he is also wont with his forefeete to stroake his head, eares, and mouth, which thing the Squirrell and the Cat doe also, and as the Beauer amongest those creatures which liue as well by water, as by land: but although in his bodie he seemeth but small, notwithstanding he is by nature apt to fight and very furious being prouoked, with his carriage in his mouth: he beateth away with both his feete that which resisteth him, directly inuading his enemie: In the spirite and assaulting of his mouth he is wayward and threatning, from whence our countreymen were accustomed to say of any one which was angry, he breatheth his wrath out of his mouth like a Hamster: Dis spruest vuie ein hamster: neither is he easily affrighted although he be far vnequall vnto those in strength with whom he is in combate.

Wherefore some doe giue it in the place of a Prouerbe, that our Countreymen doe call a man which is madly rash Ein tollen hamster, as foolehardy, as a hamster. He flieth from any one that doth sharply resist him, and doth greedily follow after them that flie from him. I my selfe saw one of these who by assaulting a horse gat him by the nose, and would neuer leaue his holde vntill he was killed with a sword: He is taken by diuers meanes, for he is expelled either by hot water powred into his den, or is choaked within, or being diged vp with a mattocke or spade he is killed; or by dogges. He is sometimes pulled out by the Foxe, or hurt: or oppressed by some snare a great waight being put about it, or to conclude he is taken by Art aliue, and that in the night time, when he goeth to seeke his prey, for in the day time for the most part he lyeth hid.

Before his vsuall caue (as I haue said) he is taken by the path which is worne, by a pot which is put into the earth, and afterward made plaine about it like other places of the fielde: there is earth cast into the bottome of the pot to the deepenesse of two fingers, aboue euery where couering the pot there is placed a stone, which is helde vp by a peece of wood, to which there is bound below a fragment of bread: In the space betweene the caue and the pot there are crumes of bread scattered, which he following and leaping into the pot, the wood falling he is taken. Being taken after the manner of other beastes, he toucheth no foode. If a broad stone, such an one with which they couer pauementes, or of which they make roofe-tiles shall be ioyned vnto the pot, and the beast be taken, he will be very hardly knowne in the morning, for the spirit of the beast being shut in, and waxing wroth, pearcing for thinesse doth moisten the stone. The skins of Hamsters are very durable, of which there are certaine long coates which come downe vnto the heeles and diuers coulored cloakes made, which the woman of Misena and Silesia doe vse, and account them very honorable, of a blacke and red coulour, with broad gards or edges of the skinnes of Otters: the same coates are for the most part vallued at the price of fifteene or twentie Renensian crownes: for it doth out-weare in length three or foure garments made either of linnen, or wollen cloath.

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