Dec 29, 2005 01:46
I've made it to florida in one piece , the trip was basically me and my mom fighting over the heat , and my dogs eating everything left in the it didn't take me a week to get to florida my sister doesn't have the internet , so finally i went to my best friends house, dangely.She is the craziest person I have ever met..literaly she is one of a kind.You will never find a person like her..anyways..let's talk about my x-mas.. in the morning i wanted to go to dangely's house and my mom said to wait because we had to go shopping for presents , but no i wanted to go see her and take her to the mall...but little did i know that her mom was going to send us packing as soon as we got there because they were cooking for a party soo..we left by ourselves to go shopping .. here's the tricky part..we left my sister's house at 4..dangely lives about an hour and a half away ..stores close at 6:30..lets just say we didn't get much shoping done that my mom had to drive all the way home empty handed on christmas eve..oh yea she was top it all off as soon as we stepped through the front door my dog popped out the first puppy..I was a little disapointed because i was planing on gettting drunk oh well theres still new years so anyways we couldnt go to the party that night.Instead we had to stay up till 4 in the morning watching 9 puppies come out yes what a lovely christmas present thanks a lot P.K.