its all changed..

Feb 07, 2008 19:42

 relationship questionaire i thought after the last post i should re-post that questionaire with new aswers, as a LOT has changed in the past month or so.


1)are you in a relationship at the moment?
yeah i am :D

2)are you happy?
actually im more happy than i have been in a fucking long time,

3)how long have you been together?
about a month now, we split up then got back together xD

4)is it a sexual relationship?
yeah always has been

5)is the sex good?
YEAH just a bit, espesh as he knows just what i want... but as i said in the last post, loving him makes it better.

6)do you feel loved?
yeah, he isnt the most affectionate of guys, but i think sometimes i smuther him a bit.

7)do you think you make your other half feel loved?
as put above i think i probs smuther him a bit. but its only cos iv missed him usually though or if im down and want a little love. if we lived together i think id calm down a lot.

8)would you have someone else if you had the choice?
hell no why would i want anyone else when iv got everything i could ask for and more.

9)have you cheated?

10)do you feel like you may have been cheated on?
i used too, when he went out i thought he could only be upto no good.. but i trust him now, still get a little paranoid but nothing serious

11)would you cheat?

12)how often do you see each other?
we used to never see each other, but its usually once to twice a week, staying overnight if not more.

13)when are you seeing each other next?
im a bit skint but hopefully sunday if not wednesday.

14)when was the last time you kissed?
couple of hours ago when he left :(

15)when was the last time you hugged?
also a couple of hours ago

16)when was the last time you selpt together overnight?
last night *sigh*

17)do you miss him/her?
yeah a little

18)can you see a real future?
yeah i can, which is bizarre, thats never happened before

19)are you insecure around the person?
yeah, it annoys me that im still bloody insecure but theres not a lot i can do about it.

20)does he/she break your heart?
used too, as anyone reading this will know, he used to hurt me more than anyone but its changed, he's made me stupidly happy.

OKay so i havent posted in a few months. i cant remember what the last post actually was but me and matty broke up and then got back together last month :D and suprisingly he's been amazing, coming down every week and texting me the cutest fucking things, i mean little things like just ringing me gives me butterflies, even if its just to say hi. Im kinda scared he'll stop being how he is now and go back to the way he used to be with me but im not listening to that part of my head its a cuntface. Still insecure and a little bit paranoid but im hoping that fucks off. We've been talking about after a year or so if he can handle me and me him lmao, maybe getting a place together? Matty was talking about in Hull but i dont know, Hull's shit i just have'nt had the time to address him about this yet gahahaaa. and FUCKING HELL talking about kids. 
I left my job in the chippy, had to report my boss for being a forein pervert KNOBHEAD which has seriously annoyed me, im not doing very well finding a new job, a lot of places arnt too busy with it being the start of the year.  Iv been offered £50 by my sister if i can get a job before her, that ammused me.
im gonna go anyway i feel like ass. YAWN later.

Miss Morphine

im still alive

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