gas prices...

Aug 31, 2005 19:03

GAINESVILLE - Gas prices continue to rise in Georgia in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and Gainesville is no exception. Prices have risen 20 cents, and possibly more in some locations since Tuesday night.

A survey of eight gas stations in the downtown and midtown areas of Gainesville Wednesday afternoon found prices ranging from $2.70 to $2.99 a gallon for self serve, regular unleaded gasoline.

Governor Sonny Perdue says two pipelines running from the Gulf of Mexico to Georgia are down, but the problem is not damage to the pipelines themselves. "If nothing else happens, we believe one of the pipeline issues that we have is simply power, the pipeline itself has not been compromised," Perdue says, adding that there is no need to panic about lack of supply. "We think into the middle or last of next week is when supplies in reserve will last."

The Bush administration agreed Wednesday to release oil from emergency stockpiles to help Gulf Coast refiners hobbled by a loss of shipments due to Hurricane Katrina. The administration also moved to temporarily ease some pollution standards on gasoline and diesel fuel to avert shortages.

Officials say these steps should help lower gas prices and increase supply.
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