Oct 24, 2004 17:50
They call me: beth
Nickname:same bethy, beffy, mo nostrils
Eyes: hazelish
Height: 5'4"
Siblings: david and daniel
Sex before marriage: sure, how bout tonight? ;)
Been so drunk you threw up: haha yeah..
Been so drunk you blacked out: oo yes
Ever helped somebody else cheat: i believe so yes
Missed school because it was raining: i <3 rain days.
Set any body part on fire for amusement: hmm nope
Kept a secret from everyone: yea
Had an imaginary friend: i dont recall..
Wanted to hook up with a friend: hmmm!
Cried during a flick: i dont think soo
Had a crush on a teacher: DEL!
Prank called someone: o yes.
shampoo: fruitis.. is that what its called?
body wash: hmm, i just like when it smells yummy!
colors: blue
day/night: night
online smiley: ;)
like anyone: umm maybe
known the longest of your friends: kathryn shankerdoodle
whos the loudest: shanny and feeney
whos the shyest: umm i dont know
who you go to for advice: amanda.. or others, depends on the situation
who do you get this survey from: i got it from pussy from kayla.
who do you cry with: i dont like to cry with people
---------------IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS------------
cried: hmm i think
worn a skirt: yeah everyday
been mean: yea
been sarcastic: duh!
missed someone: yes
hugged someone: yes lots
seen someone cry: yeah
fought w/ your parents: i dont think so..
went to the beach at night: yes at retreat
read a book for fun: I HATE BOOKS
ate a meal: food is good
are you happy: mostly
drank alcohol: yeahhhhhhh man
smoked: i dont remember.
done a drug: no
made out: hm maybeee ;)
eaten an entire box of box of oreos: i have never accomplished such a great feat.
been dumped: no
made homemade cookies: i dont bake much
gone skinny dipping: no
been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yea last night
gotten beaten up: no never
shoplifted: no
change who you were to fit in: no way
describe your dream wedding: hmm
how do you want to die: while sleeping would be pleasant. but dying isnt pleasant.