Oct 11, 2004 18:43
Rawr. I feel totally sorry for Thomas but in a way I guess he does play the sympathy card alot. Good job Alex on asking Luc to the dance. ^_^ I just needa get a damn girl. I just needa stop acting like a damn cold douche and actually act like myself around the girl I like. >=O
Dave and I went to my stepdad's house and moved some stuff then we went to get my pina'ta!!! It's a cool donkey that's bigger than your mama! Haha, actually it's about 4 feet tall and 5 feet wide. BIIIIG! The 3 bags of candy I bought only filled it's legs. NEED MORE!!! On the way home we saw this white boy playing soccer with mexicans and the mexican kids kept ganging up on him and punching and kicking him. =/ So sad.
Haha, <3 Dave's haircut. Haha, we went to Jack in the Box and he bought food for his sis but then decided to give me her burger and I kept trying to give it back to him because I wanted his sis to have it. Eventually he gave it to Richard and I stole Dave's and Dave ate his sister's other burger...so she got nothing. SO SADDD!
I gotta make this book still and I have about a week to finish it.
-looks back at my donkey- ^_^ He's so cute!!!