My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulbeforeyoutalk goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as GOD.
20_dollarbill gives you 5 dark green banana-flavoured nuggets.
cowboy_fayefaye tricks you! You get a wad of paper.
dark_falcon_757 gives you 15 teal coffee-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
f0rg0ttenmem0ry gives you 12 light yellow peach-flavoured nuggets.
ravenrules gives you 16 light blue orange-flavoured wafers.
sinful_lover gives you 11 light blue peach-flavoured jelly beans.
tetrismonkey tricks you! You get a rock.
that1guy_123 gives you 1 yellow banana-flavoured nuggets.
vampirebabe_45 gives you 5 tan tropical-flavoured gummy bears.
wannabewrxowner gives you 18 blue banana-flavoured jelly beans.beforeyoutalk ends up with 83 pieces of candy, a wad of paper, and a rock.Another fun meme brought to you by