Hello friends! We're down to the wire here, and voting is very close! Please go
vote if you haven't done so already.
empressearwig and I have decided to take some preemptive measures, should the results be tied (of course, now that I've done this, a book is likely to come from behind and take it all). This poll will only be considered in the case of a tie in the
original post. Because the leader is only ahead by one vote at the time of posting, we want you to vote for your choice between the two.
If this is unclear (and it probably is) just ask. But to sum up:
original poll takes precedence. If there is a tie, we will look at the results of the poll below:
Poll In case of a tie... We also had a few requests for an introduction post, and this doubles as that as well! Let's get to know each other a little better to facilitate fun discussion!!!
1. Name:2.Age:3. Location:4. Besides reading, I like:5. Fandoms I participate in, include:6. Anything else?