overdue library books are my forte

Mar 29, 2006 08:29

it's warm! and beautiful! a day like today should be accompanied by a view of the ocean and a typewriter and end with a thunderstorm and blackberries. today's melange : cowboy boots boxers photographs of streetlamps strangealienpinkfuzz purple bags of almonds. the shadows outside look like one of the last of the great wangdoodles. today my conscience is like yellow leaves and i think tonight the streetlamp light will polka maybe tango with the horizon city glow and i cannot wait to see such a sight. it is such a hasslelele (with a silent lele) to do taxes and i think maybe i am exempt from law because this year i believe i will partake in the convenient theory for me program. it is a great program should anyone else want to join because there are lots of strawberries and banjos and no wet socks. since our bagels are hard and inedible it is time for icecream for breakfast.
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