Three Wallpapers...

Mar 30, 2008 21:25

One (new) wallpaper: Cordelia/Dean.

And two OLD wallpapers, one that I was ridiculously proud of because it's a manip... And I realized I didn't post it here. And the other a C/A alternative to my Lorne wallpaper that I made for a BuffyForums challenge.  So here they are in all their, uhm, finery. :)

Cordelia/Dean :: Hope

800X600 :: 1024X768

Cordelia/Angel :: Only Light

800x600 :: 1024x768

Cordelia/Angel :: Afraid

800x600 :: 1024x768


  • For personal use only. If I find you've used my images in any way - like saying, OMG LOOK AT THIS I MADE THIS - I will come after you with a rusty spork.
  • Do not republish these on your own website/claim them as your own.
  • Don't use them as headers/hotlink or abuse my bandwith.  It only goes so far, after all.
  • Don't alter them. At all.
  • DO enjoy them, but! :)
  • maker: ficbitch82, tv show: ats, ship: cordelia/dean, ship: cordelia/angel, type: wallpapers, tv show: supernatural

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