(no subject)

Dec 03, 2006 02:23

so i haven't been on here in a long ass time, but when have i been really?
it doesnt matter..
tonight was the most boring night of my life...or from what i can remember anyway.
i worked then ordered pizza and ate it by myself..i know whatta loser right?
i want everyone to come home...i want to go away..i just dont know what would be better..but im so used to working all the time now that i have some time off guess what? i wish i was working... All my friends took off and my friends that are in highschool are at some gay dance that is "fun!" ...
i haven't been to a concert in forever and in all honesty i really miss it, espeically going with like angela and angie..and i miss just driving around randomly wasting gas and doing nothing...and random trips to boardwalks.
that just doesn't happen anymore...
i dont see half the people i used to and i feel like im not even considered a friend to them anymore just because their so far away now...but im not blaming anybody..
it's like highschool was the only thing keeping us friends.
whatever i need to shut the fuck up because this is life believe it or not and i need to actually do something about it rather then sit here and get fat and eat pizza by myself and try to get good at guitar heros.
yeah i got that..last night actually and im asking for the second one for my birthday.
mhmmmm ill be 18 on the 16th finally.. wow.
i kind of want to have a birthday party. so if anyone has any ideas maybe that'd be cool. it will be during christmas break so i mean hopefully some people will want to hang out.
also my moms all about getting the nintendo wii, i think shes funny, but hey i heard its sweet and im not big into video games but maybe it will be cool.
hmm what else..so far i love working at old navy, who loves their job? no one really, right? im not talking about people that love their careers im talking about stupid part time jobs..well this ones awesome the people are great we make work fun and the best part is i get paid a crap load for doing it...
and um mcdonalds..still the same, it sucks...but its alright because of a certain something id feel bad typing in here.
im sure some of you had heard about the peattie incident..well its still bullshit to me and funny as hell....and um no court dates set so im hoping its not gonna happen.

Angela has this sweet video making thing on her computer and over christmas break we will be glued to video cameras, digital cameras, guitar heros, and probably lots of food haha:)!!

im so pumped yesterday i got most of my christmas presents..........and im being creative this year.

anyway school this term went pretty well, speech ended up being okay...and i should be doing homework now but im not so i think im going to try to work on that....
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