Some possible, some highly unlikely. But I can dream.
1. Move into a nice house with a garden
2. Get a complete Doctor Who collection
3. Write a book
4. Finish college
5. Find a job I actually like
6. Learn to drive
7. Get another tattoo with Darla's name and D.O.B
8. Meet Tony Head
9. Meet James Marsters
10. Meet Hugh Laurie
11. Have a part in Doctor Who
12. Get 'Who's David' on cassette and not crushed to bits
13. Get a better computer
14. Get Darla to adulthood without fucking her up. Although I think Eddie has already given her issues. >:(
15. Take a course in jewellery making
16. Take a course in papercraft
17. Come off the antidepressants an be happy
18. Drive up to see Angie and Lesley
19. Get the new CSI game
20. Meet the cast of CSI (Vegas)
21. Fly in a hot air balloon
22. See my mum's house in Greece
23. Read 'The Count Of Monte Christo'
24. Find my copy of Demons and Angels
25. Get a new copy of K9 and Company, thank you Uncle Steven!
26. See the new Futurama
27. Read the last Harry Potter
28. Go to America again
29. Get a new passport
30. See the V again
31. Go see a film at the cinema at a moments notice!
32. Get 20 million neopoints
33. Get a DVD recorder of my own
34. See Eddie in court
35. See all the Harry Potter films
36. Get series 4-7 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer on DVD
37. Get series 5-8 of Red Dwarf on DVD
38. Read some more books
39. Fly in a helicopter
40. Travel in a yatch
41. Ski on real snow
42. Get Sky+
43. Meet Arnold Schwarzenegger
44. Get electrolisis on my eyebrows
45. Try on a Dalek costume
46. See the new Pirates Of The Caribean film
47. Finish JIAB
48. Get shelves in my living room
49. Watch the old Posiedon Adventure
50. Find a nice man who won't mind if I never move in with him
51. Go on a booze cruise
52. Have more than £50 in my savings
53. Complete my collection of Harry Potter lego
54. Finsh my Snow Faerie gallery on Neopets
55. Meet the Queen
56. Throw an egg at Tony Blair, preferrably one that hits
57. Go to the Tower Of London again
58. Go on a Ripper tour
59. Get 100 icons for my LJ
60. Get neopets premium again
61. Try Absinthe
62. Paint the end of the revolting 'Happy Wall' down the Town Center canal back into a TARDIS
63. Drill a hole in my wall without fear of being electrocuted
64. Finish tidying my room
65. Finsh the washing and washing up
66. See the olympic games in London
67. Get all Ab Fab on DVD
68. Go to California and see a TV program get filmed and not leave after half an hour with a migraine
69. Go back to the shipwreck in Greece and have another picnic on the beach and climb all over the boat in my heels again because it's one of my best memories
70. Have my 15 minutes of fame for a good reason, not reality TV or kiss and tell.
71. Thread my sewing machine
72. Have a part in a Harry Potter movie
73. Finish Darla's baby book
74. Finsh my dragon cross-stitch
75. Read 'The Guy Next Door'
76. Visit Stef
77. Get one of my cards in a magazine
Man, that was hard!