Mar 11, 2012 21:31
Hello ^^
I'm posting just because I need to fix my mood. it really feels like Monday
- the weather is horrible, I hate this period when it's already not winter but it's not spring yet
I want to wear my fall-spring coat but it still would me cold for me
- also my best friend's birthday is on this weekend and I have no idea what I can present to her, it must be violet, and this is only thing I'm sure in.
- the studing is more interesting then it was, and I can change my failed exam next week, so I need to stop making icons and think more serious about learning, but I can't - I've made 12 icons for 20inspirations and if you have nice Once Upon a Time caps I'll be glad to use them ;)
I feel like I'm 12 years old and I've never learned English, it's sucks :(