Title: Swords and Words: A Tale of Two Friends
yaoifunboi Pairing: 6x9 in the narration, 6+13 (friendship) in the flashback in this chapter. For the uninitiated this means that the adult Zechs narrating the flashback has a relationship with Noin, and that little Zechs and little Treize are friends.
Rating: G here. The rating could go as high as R later on.
Warnings: More cuteness then you could shake a stick at. (AKA Sap)
Summary: A holodocumentary about Treize Kushrenada makes Millardo Peacecraft reminisce about his relationship with Treize, and the time he spent under the name Zechs Marquise in general. Milllardo is speaking from memories, some of them terribly distant, and so this story will have something of the ephemeral quality of a memory.
Disclaimer: If I owned Gundam Wing, there’d be a wing of some place of higher learning named for me somewhere, and I would be on a Caribbean island, not enduring Ohio winters.
Click here for the story