me and mr joness.....mrrr jonessss....

Oct 03, 2007 11:12

Random experience of the day
Aka: The story of why however much people tell me its not, Houston really IS safe at night

*walking down the hotel with the half my meal because Everithing Is Bigger in Texas*

Hotel BellGuy (HBG): Hey Miss! What are u doing tonite?
Me:       Oh I'm just going to find a homeless person to give this food to..
HBG:    What alone? No no let me go with you...
Me:       Oh na na its ok honestly I'll be fine
HBG:    Well I'll walk you out at least..

*walks me out and a little further*

HBG: Try going down here one block, and if you don't find anyone come back. and BE CAREFUL.
Me:    Okayy...I willl...

*Walk half a block, see a policeman sitting in the dark on a Police Golf-Cart*

Me:                           Excuse me, have you seen any homeless people?
Golf Police (GP):    I saw a man sleeping right at the end of this block right over outside that store..
Me:                           Sweet, thankyou!

*walk half a block to the lights, wait to cross the road and turn around. Golf Police is waiting on his Golf Cart behind me*

Me: Oh hi, thanks for following me
GP: No problem, I'll just wait here.

*cross the road and give food to homeless person, cross back*

Me: Thankyou!
GP: No problem, did he ask what it was?
Me: Na na he just said thankyou..

*walk back towards the hotel.. halfway back turn around. Golf Police is standing behind me*

Me: Oh hi again!
GP: You see, they're picky these homeless folks. After you left he left the food on a park bench and went right back to sleep...
Me: Oh realli?
GP: Yea, miss you realli need to understand the ways of the world..some people will take things that are offered to them and do nothing with them...
Me: Uh huh....

*GP keeps explaining the "ways of the world" etc *

*Someone crosses the lights. Randomli turns out to be someone who works in our group in Perth. How do these things happen when you work in a group of 20 people??*

Me: Oh wow! Hi how are u?
Perthie: Hey Malika how are you! I didn't you were here..what are you doing out?
Me: Yea I'm just out walking a bit
GP: She's trying to give food to homeless people...I'm trying to explain to her the ways of the world..
Perthie: Oh realli...yea people around here will ask you for change but theres just no point...

*GP and Perthie continue explaining the "ways of the world" etc etc *

Perthie: Well I'm off. But you BE CAREFUL walking back to the hotel!
Me: I will be thankyou..

*Keep talking to GP, had actualli a realli interesting conversation about GPS and tracking police cars and Golf Carts*

Me:      Well I better be off, the Bell Guy at the hotel will be worried otherwise, but thank you for your help!
GP:      No problem miss, but remember what I've explained to you..and BE CAREFUL.
Me:      Yes thankyou :)

*Walk back to the hotel. Look back and Golf Cart Police is still watching*
*Get to hotel and talk to Bell Guy*

Me:           Hey!
HBG:       Hey! Did you find someone? Did they take your food?
Me:           Yea i think so....
HBG:       Aww they never take food from me...these homeless folk are picky around here
Me:           Hmmm :)

Lessons learned...
1) However much I try, safety wise...obviously Houston has been built Malika-proof. (BE CAREFUL though)
2) Perth is farrr too fudging small. Even when you're not even in Perth anymore.
3) Don't be scared of the occasional Policeman on Golf-Carts.  At night, they are your friends. 
4) Homeless people aree picky about their food...but I still think its important to offer even if people refuse sometimes :)

Man his golf cart was so shini though! It even had a proper "Houston Police" logo on it and everithing :) I told him he has the best job in the world and he agreed :) Then again, I told the Hotel Bellguy a couple of nights ago that heeee had the best job in the world and he agreed alsoo. I've decided I want to do bothh these jobs in some past life hey..hmm...

Sorri that was a long post...remember to smile :D And BE CAREFUL :)
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