Aug 27, 2004 15:53
was pretty gay. There really wan't any specific reason why... it just was.. because it's school.
Bio: All we did was take more notes. I have a feeling that is what we are going to be doing most of the time. Still no homework though which is good.
Chem: We had a quiz too. She went over it after and I got all of them right, plus the bonus points. Took notes on shit... wasn't bad, wasn't good. I saw Ryan for the first time after this class too which was cool.
HE10: She went over that big ass assignment that we have already. It really isn't a bad project... I'm just going to have to budget my time well.
HA2: We played this little name game. I think she has mine down.. for now at least. That was basically it...
Lunch: We got hot lunch. I got a salad..... We saw Emily and talked to her for a bit when we were leaving.
Latin: Went to class for a bit and went over some stuff. Then we had a gay ass assembly. As predicted, the freshmen class color was indeed black. Then we went back to class which was completely pointless and then went on or ways to sixth hour.
APHist: More people gave their reports and we got more studyguides..... blah...
I have to work tonight which is gay... because I want to go to the game...
I'm going to go.... later