Well, I am sick - sore throat, burning eyes, I'm thinking about taking airborne that Howard Stern keeps advertising. But I just hate being sick, I don't think anyone really enjoys it - except crazy people.
I've been searching through a bunch of other peoples live journals, and some of them are pretty cool. I've really only been looking at ones for anorexia, because I am anorexic. Unfortunately, I've not been doing so well to lose weight lately. I'm only 120 pounds at 5'6", but I want to get back down to 110. I exercise but I also eat crap, so I am not really going anywhere - I have to HAVE TO, start this fast that I saw on
http://www.livejournal.com/community/0nlythreeweeks/ journal, which sounds awesome, but I just have to really do it, and I know I can. I've gone almost 3 weeks without eating. So being sick I guess is good, because I have no appetite, and my throat is sore so I just want ice water all day. BUT - I ate 3 cookies today already, so I have to eat nothing more today, and exercise tonight when I get home, but I just want to sleep because I feel like shit. I just have to have that switch turned on again in my stomach that used to be there that made me not eat, and not be hungry. It's hard, just like running, I have to condition myself. Wish me luck, it' starts tomorrow - besides after having a 3 inch needle stuck into the join of my knee I doubt I will have much of an appetite anyways.